March 7th marks the END of THE SECOND TRIMESTER!
To celebrate, we enjoy our Almost Spring Showcase on Friday.
We welcome everyone for all or any part of the school day. We attend Mass at 8:30a, return to campus to pick up treats, enjoy recess, tour the classrooms, enjoy lunch, and finish with a directed drawing activity in Crews. A schedule of the day’s events will be in your inbox on Tuesday.
Each teacher has listed some highlights to look for as you travel among the classrooms:
Tour Highlights! Be Sure to See Them All!
February was an eventful month! We proudly showcase:
· St. Valentine craft and writing
· Black History Month Display boards
· President’s Day craft with interesting facts
Spring season:
· Lenten Crosses, flowers and our backyard garden
First Grade
We cannot wait to showcase our various writing activities we enjoyed the past trimester!
Second Grade
We have been busy!
“My Cat in the Hat” writing
Jesus/Monstrance picture,
Where has Flat Stanley Visited? Boards
First Communion stained-glass project
Third grade
California Native American collaborative reports and dioramas!
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
It’s all about Missions and States! We will also be exhibiting our technology skills with Ecosystem slides!
Middle School
7th Grade “Westlandia” –each student has carefully crafted their own civilization
8th Grade Explorer Brochures covering the details of their own experience on the Lewis and Clark Expedition of the Louisiana Territory
8th Grade
ELA & Science: Scientist Biography Research Papers and Display Boards
Science: Root Beer Float Illustrations Demonstrating the Three States of Matter
7th Grade
ELA: Independent Reading Response One-Pagers
6th Grade
ELA: Influential Family Member Biographies and Display Boards
Science: Fossil Posters and Student-Created Fossils
6th grade: The 6th grade students completed a class Ratio Recipe Cookbook of their favorite recipes while studying our math unit on Ratios.
7th grade: The 7th grade students completed a business proposal while working on our math unit on Proportional Relationships.
8th grade: The 8th grade completed a plan for their own cities while studying our math unit on Systems of Equations
We think you will be impressed as you move from room to room to see all that our students have worked diligently to complete.
FINAL NOTE Please remember our caterer is away so bringing snacks and/or lunch for those attending is another fun part of the day at school.
We think you will be impressed as you move from room to room to see all that our students have worked diligently to complete.
We look forward to seeing you on Friday!