Third grade families,

We are fast approaching December! And…. happy Trimester 2!

We have a lot of fun things planned these next 3 weeks of school 🙂

Important Dates

  • Friday, December 2: $1 free dress in support of SHC pantry & 12p dismissal.
  • Monday, December 5-9: Food drive begins! Please help support our SHC pantry by bringing in non-perishables items.
  • Tuesday, December 6: Trimester 1 progress reports go home!

Weekly Homework (Due December 6th)

  • IXL math:
    —F.4 Multiply by 3
    —I.3 Relate multiplication and division for groups
    —J.2 Divide by 2
  • 20 minutes of reading, 5x a week
  • 5 READO boxes

Sneak Peek to our Academic Week

math: This week we continue with multiplication and division, but more specifically with division. We will begin learning how we can use equal groups, arrays, and repeated subtraction to help us solve division problems. We will spend a lot of this week assessing all we have learned so far, too!

reading: We have begun our non-fiction reading unit! This week we work on revving our minds up for non-fiction reading, discussing the work we do to get our minds ready to take in so many important facts and details from our non-fiction texts.

writing: This week we will assess our personal narrative writing skills. Then, we will dive into some creative, Christmas related writing!

word work: Spelling words can be found in your child’s planner or on their Kids A-Z app. Our spelling tests are scheduled for this Friday.

religion: This week and the next few are all about Advent! We will reflect on what Advent means to us as well as think about what we can do to prepare ourselves for Christ’s arrival.

Stay warm!
Miss Poindexter
