Third grade families,

Happy Spring! & yet, another rainy week!

It was so great to see so many of you on Friday! We have worked so hard in third grade and the kiddos were so excited so showcase some fun work with all. 🙂

Important Dates

  • Tuesday, 3/21: Family envelopes & progress reports go home!
  • Tuesday, 3/21: Snapper Jack’s school fundraiser, yum!!
  • Wednesday, 3/22: Stations of the Cross at 2p.
  • Friday, 3/24: 2p dismissal

Weekly Homework

  • IXL math:
    —H.5 Multiply with in/out boxes
    —J. 11 Divide by 11
    —AA.7: Parallel, perpendicular, intersecting
  • 100 minutes of reading
  • 5 READO boxes
  • Fluency

Sneak Peek To Our Academic Week

  • math: We begin our new math unit this week, all on geometry! This week we learn all about lines, line segments, rays, parallel, intersecting, and perpendicular lines! Phew! Then, we will learn all about angles.
  • reading: This week in our character study unit and in our reading centers, we will focus heavily on how our main character’s work through and resolve big trouble.
  • writing: We begin our new writing genre, opinion! This week we will discuss what an opinion piece is all about as well as all it entails. Then, we will begin to form our opinion writing ideas/topics.
  • word work: Spelling words can be found in your child’s planner & on Kids A-Z app. Spelling tests are scheduled for this Friday.
  • religion: This week we discuss how God is Just and Merciful. He always shows us justice and mercy. We will discuss how we can show this with others each day, too.
  • social studies: All about California Native American Indians!

Stay warm!
Miss Poindexter
