Third Grade families,

Happy Monday!

I cannot believe we are a few weeks away from ending the month of January!

We will continue to crank up our work and expectations as we work hard and learn a lot each day.

Monday, 1/20: NO SCHOOL– MLK Jr. Day.
Wednesday, 1/22: Last day to purchase donuts!
Friday, 1/24: 12p dismissal and Parent’s Day! If your schedule allows, please come spend the morning with us!
Monday, 1/27: Catholic Schools Week begins! Monday we celebrate our community and friends.

–math worksheet: Emoji Mystery Picture: decimals
–IXL: O.8 Multiply by 7
–IXL: V.7 Divide by 7

–Read 100 minutes (20 minutes per day, 5x a week)
–5 READO responses

–Read passage (1x a day, for 4 days)
–Answer the Corresponding Comprehension Question (1 question per day, for 4 days)

math: This week, we work with decimals and fractions. We will continue to become experts in their place value (tenths and hundredths).

reading: We continue on with Because of Winn Dixie! Now that we have discussed Opal’s character traits, we will also find traits of her beloved dog, Winn Dixie! We will talk about their traits, actions, and how they impact other characters in the story.

Throughout the week, we continue to meet in our small, differentiated guided reading groups where each group works on specific, non-fiction reading skills.

writing: Our informational reports are under way! This week we will listen to several mentor texts to help us become familiar with what informational writing is: non-fiction, factual pieces. From there we will work on coming up with a topic by learning good strategies to help us generate ideas. If we have good strategies for generating report topics, we won’t waste too much time!

grammar: All about possessive nouns.

religion: This week we re-focus on the five basic forms of prayer: blessing, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise!

We will be attending 8:30 am mass this Friday. Please join us if your schedule allows!

word work: We continue with Words Their Way! This differentiated spelling program allows our students to learn phonics, vocabulary, and spelling. It’s a hands-on approach to use word study to help us become better spellers. New spelling words will be written in your child’s planner every Monday.

art: We will work on developing our Dream Wall. Last week we discussed Martin Luther King Jr. and his legacy, and our own dreams to help make our world a better place. This week we willll turn those dreams into art!

A lot to learn! Thanks for your continued support!

Miss Poindexter
