Happy Tuesday! I hope you all had a good, long Presidents Day weekend!
We are hard at work in third grade!

Friday, 2/21: 2p dismissal

–Math Worksheet: iSpy: Angles and Lines
–Math Worksheet: Spring Village
–IXL: PP.2: Angles greater than, less than, or equal to a right angle

–Read 80 minutes (20 minutes per day, 4x a week)
–4 READO responses

–Read passage (1x per day, 4x a week)
–1 comprehension question a day

math: This week we are working with different angles; right, obtuse, acute, and straight!

reading: We continue to work through the reading elements of our class read-aloud, Charlotte’s Web.

Throughout the week, we continue to meet in our small, differentiated guided reading groups where each group works on specific, non-fiction reading skills.

writing: We will work on breaking down our main topic into subtopics. Then, we will convert those subtopics into a Table of Contents to better organize the plentiful information we plan to share in our informational books.

religion: This week we discuss that Jesus is a light for all people. We will think about Jesus’ light and how we can be a light for others, too.

We will be attending 8:30 am mass this Friday. Please join us if your schedule allows!

word work: We continue with Words Their Way! This differentiated spelling program allows our students to learn phonics, vocabulary, and spelling. It’s a hands-on approach to use word study to help us become better spellers. New spelling words will be written in your child’s planner every Monday.

cursive: This week, we will learn the lowercase j.

social studies: All about the California Native American Tribes!

Have a wonderful week!

Miss Poindexter
