Happy Monday, Happy February, and Happy 100th Day of School!
We are 100 days smarter today!

Important Dates
Friday, 2/7: 2p dismissal
Sunday, 2/9: Sacred Heart School attends 9am Sunday Mass!
Weekly Homework (Due 2/11)
–Math Worksheet
–Math Worksheet:
–IXL: V.9: Divide by 9
–IXL (4th grade): II.2: Parallel, Perpendicular, and Intersecting Lines
–Read 100 minutes (20 minutes per day, 5x a week)
–5 READO responses
–NO fluency this week.
Sneak Peek To Our Academic Week
math: This week, we jump back into geometry. We will become familiar with lines, line segments, and rays. From there, we will talk about the different types of lines: parallel, intersecting, and perpendicular.
reading: We begin our new class read-aloud, Charlotte’s Web. A third-grade classic, we will spend this week on character analysis, getting to know our main character, Fern and her beloved pig, Wilbur.
Throughout the week, we continue to meet in our small, differentiated guided reading groups where each group works on specific, non-fiction reading skills.
writing: In honor of the 100th Day of School, we will take a short break from informational writing and turn our focus towards some creative writing where we will imagine our lives as 100-year-olds. What would our hobbies be? What would we spend our day doing?
grammar: Irregular Verb Tenses!
religion: This week we will become familiar with the parts of the Mass.
We will be attending 8:30 am mass this Friday. Please join us if your schedule allows!
word work: We continue with Words Their Way! This differentiated spelling program allows our students to learn phonics, vocabulary, and spelling. It’s a hands-on approach to use word study to help us become better spellers. New spelling words will be written in your child’s planner every Monday.
art: We will combine math and art to create a geometric Valentines Day art piece!
A great week up ahead!
Miss Poindexter