Third grade families,
We continue hard at work online!
At the bottom of the newsletter you will find assignments for the week. Remember, assignments are subject to change. These assignments will be assigned to your child before logging off of Zoom each day! 🙂
Sneak Peek to our Remote Learning Week
Math: We begin Unit 9! In this unit, we will learn on how to multiply 2 digit numbers using a variety of strategies!
Reading: This week we will wrap up our Character Study unit, where we continue comparing and contrasting our two class read alouds, Because of Winn Dixie and Dyamonde Daniel. As we look into both of these books, we will pay close attention to the problems and solutions in each book.
Writing:Â Â As we continue with opinion writing, we will work on our word choice. In opinion writing, we want to evoke emotion. We will study the ways we can change the way we state ideas in order to convince our readers of our opinion.
Religion: This week is all about The Stations of the Cross!
Word Work: Spelling words can be found in your child’s planner. Spelling tests are schedule for this Thursday.
Science: We will explore how hand sanitizer kills germs.
Social Studies: Native American Indians! This week we will focus on the culture of Native American Indians today.
Remote Learning Assignments
- Read Chapter 1 of your new book club bookÂ
- IXL math: H.12
- Word Work, Day 1: write spelling words in planner, cut out word work words, and highlight vowels and consonants in red & blue
- 20 minutes of silent reading
- Post Bible Verse Reflection to Seesaw
- Math journal p. 213—post to Seesaw
- 20 minutes of reading & reading activity— on Seesaw
- One spelling city activity
- IXL math: H.13 & X.4
- 20 minutes of reading & reading activity—on Seesaw
- Practice spelling test on spelling cityÂ
- Math Journal p. 216–on Seesaw
- IXL math H.17
- 30 minutes of reading book club book & reading activity—on Seesaw
- Spelling test on spelling city (no planners!)
- 20 minutes of Prodigy
- Fun Friday Write—on Seesaw
- 30 minutes of silent reading. You can use your 50 ways to read/March reading challenge for fun reading ideas!
- Any missed/incomplete Seesaw assignments
Have a wonderful week!
Miss Poindexter