We have a full week of school, with the In ‘N’ Out truck coming on Friday, which is a full day. Make sure you have all of your orders in the office by Tuesday. We will have a free dress day (cost is $1) on Wednesday; proceeds will be sent to St. Jude Children’s Hospital.
HOMEWORK: Students will be doing the following ixL skills this week: Math P 1 and P 2, and Language G 1. We will be doing Fluency #33, and students should be reading for 20-30 minutes per night. The reading log, ixL skills and fluency homework will be due next Monday. Math Boxes on pages 188 and 191 should be completed by Friday.
Religion: We continue discussing the 8th commandment. We will have a unit test next week.
Math: We continue Unit 7, which focuses on fractions.
Reading Workshop: We continue reading our historical fiction “book club” selections. Students should be jotting about their books in their composition notebooks.
Writing Workshop: We continue work on our informational books.
Spelling: We are working on Unit 34; the test will be on Friday.
Vocabulary: We continue Unit 15; the test will be Friday. Students can bring home their index cards to review synonyms and antonyms (but bring them back each day). There are activities on sadlierconnect.com as well.
Grammar: We are wrapping up work on the second half of Unit 4; we will have a test on Thursday, covering lessons 30-34 (adverbs, use of good and well, negatives and prepositions).
Science: We continue our study of electricity.
Social Studies: We are learning about the Gold Rush (magazines #21-23)
Thanking you for your continuing support,
Mrs. Mary Dwyer