Dear Kindergarten Parents,

Last week’s Wonder, Draw and Tell worksheets are beautiful! I am enjoying the drawings and great sentences. 🙂

This week’s required work:

As always read nightly and record on log.

Reading Web/Log

Everyday Math worksheet


Please review ixl I.9 and work on J.8 – the practice in ixl is has shown much improvement in your child’s math sense. Spend 10 minutes or so each day on ixl and EM.

ixl I.9

ixl J.8

EM section 7 this week we covered activities 3-6 choose any one-start using the ‘challenge’ tab for games-your children are ready and know how to find it!


Extra practice sites:

Painting for Peace

God Loves Us

National Geographic Explorer

use “Explorer” for password if prompted then choose games

Shell Game

Grouping and Grazing

Have a wonderful weekend enjoying  Mother’s Day !

Mrs. Carol Brown
