Dear Kindergarten Families,

Happy Valentine’s Day! We will celebrate with a free dress tomorrow as well as exchanging our Valentine cards and treats.

*We have another change in the day we check out library books. It will be Tuesday this week. For tomorrow, please try to return any books still at home.

Much of our academics cross together with efforts to complete our School Fair project, Animals in Winter. School Fair is next Wednesday evening at 6:00.

Religion focus is sharing God’s love. This lesson will help us to understand our love for God.  And how we can share His love with others is through acts of kindness.

Language Arts continues with Reading / Writing Workshop and Words Their Way.  We have come to the point in which learning to spell our word sorts is the objective for the week. We are practicing our short vowel CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words each day and taking a formal spelling test at the end of the week. We are also working to spell our sight words in class. All this extra phonics work in helping us to learn our letter/sound association, use these words as we write and form letters correctly and neatly. Much of our reading this week is non-fiction focusing on animals in the polar regions.

Everyday Math practice – addition, number grid (columns/rows), counting by 5s and 2s as we are pretty good counting by 10s. Later this week our objective is go a bit deeper to understand shapes by exploring variations of size and angle measurement.

Friday is a noon dismissal and Monday is President’s Day – 3 day weekend coming!

Any questions? Please feel free to send me an email.

God Bless your families,

Mrs. Brown

