The decision has been made to complete the asphalt work in the school and parish parking lots in June.

With this news, we are able to continue our normal schedule.

Our 5-8 students attend class from 8a-3p Monday-Thursday and 8a-12p on Fridays. These students, and their lower grade siblings, are dropped off and picked up in the lot in front of school.

Our K-4 students attend class from 8:15a-2:45p Monday-Thursday and 8:15a-11:45a on Fridays. These students are dropped off after entering the parish parking lot and waiting for the 8a drop off time for their 8:15a start. They are picked up at the parish lot behind the Kindergarten.

Remember, lower grade siblings may arrive and depart with their older siblings.

We look forward to the completion of the asphalt work, but we are pleased it will be underway at the start of summer!
