Third Grade families,

It was wonderful to see so many parents and family members at Parents Day on Friday!
We had so much fun creating a Family Crest together!

We are stepping into our last week of January and Catholic Schools Week! CSW is a week-long celebration of Catholic education.

Each day we celebrate a different group of people who play a big role in our Catholic education:
Monday: Community and Friends
Tuesday: Faculty and Staff
Wednesday: Students
Thursday: Parish

Our MS students have planned fun-filled activities for each day of Catholic Schools Week!

We are proud to be apart of a Catholic school, especially Sacred Heart!

Wednesday, 1/29: Free, free dress & NO HOMEWORK!
Friday, 1/31: 2p dismissal

–math worksheet: Penguins
–math worksheet: Hot Chocolate & Cookies
–IXL: V.8: Divide by 8

–Read 800 minutes (20 minutes per day, 4x a week)
–4 READO responses

–Read passage (1x a day, for 4 days)
–Answer the Corresponding Comprehension Question (1 question per day, for 4 days)

math: This week we wrap up our unit on decimals. We will begin the week reviewing for our test scheduled for this Tuesday. Mid-week, we jump into our next unit on Lines, Line Segments, and Rays!

reading: We continue with our class read aloud, Because of Winn Dixie! This week, in our story, we will discuss the theme of friendship and community. This theme is central to the story as Opal builds relationships with the people in her small town, thanks to her dog, Winn Dixie!

Throughout the week, we continue to meet in our small, differentiated guided reading groups where each group works on specific, non-fiction reading skills.

writing: Our informational reports are underway! This week, we will work on using good strategies to help us generate a topic by thinking about things we love and know a lot about. By discovering what we are experts in, it is a lot easier for us to write about it and teach others about it, too!

grammar: Verb Tenses

religion: We discuss sharing the Good News! Jesus shared the Good News of God’s great love for us. This week, we will reflect on ways to share the Good News each day of our lives.

We will be attending 8:30 am mass this Friday. Please join us if your schedule allows!

word work: We continue with Words Their Way! This differentiated spelling program allows our students to learn phonics, vocabulary, and spelling. It’s a hands-on approach to use word study to help us become better spellers. New spelling words will be written in your child’s planner every Monday.

Thankful for you all!

Miss Poindexter
