A look at our week:
**Wednesday is a non-uniform (free) dress. Please send in one dollar or two, donations support our 3rd trimester mission, St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.
**Friday is our last Primary Centers – with a noon dismissal.
Upcoming events:
Order early!! In ‘N Out is coming soon ……with Dip and Dots for dessert! This school fundraiser will be on our campus, Monday, April 25. If your schedule permits, come and have lunch with your student(s). The In ‘N Out truck will be on campus about 11:30. Please note all orders must be in the office by Thursday, April 21. No exceptions!
If your child does not care for hamburgers – pack their lunch as usual- please no fast food deliveries! All tickets for family members will be tabled in front of script office, student tickets will be delivered to our classroom.
School Yearbooks – please order by Friday, April 22 – you’ll find the link on the school web page.
Tyler will be celebrating his birthday on April 29 !
Religion lessons continue with the Easter season. Chapter 20, Butterflies Are Good – reminds us to celebrate Jesus’ new life with joy. We note how spring brings signs of new life everywhere and how that compares with Jesus’ life of love for us.
ELA – new focus letter ‘x’ as an ending sound, short vowel /o/ and /i/ word families ‘ot’, ‘ox’, ‘it’ and ‘ig’. A review of initial consonants, /t/ and /g/. Reading strategy is to question and comprehension is to note important details. Picture and letter sorts finds us working with nursery /poem rhymes. We will be reading the lines, cutting apart the sentences and putting them back in the poem rhyme order. Writing workshop mini lesson: spelling hard words – by using skills to sound out and listen for vowels.
EM- continues with solid shapes, counting by 2s, timed activities and using tools for timing: timers and hourglasses. At home continue counting pennies, nickels, dimes, and making exchanges with these coins. This is a difficult concept for most children.
Science- states of water, bodies of water and life cycle of a frog.
Social studies – continues with different types of maps, and understanding distance and direction.
This should take us through the week, if any questions arise, please send me an email.
Blessings to your families,
Mrs. Carol Brown