Dear Kindergarten Parents,

This week on Wednesday-please set aside time for our Back-to-School Night. It starts at 6:30 t0 8:00. It is a night for parents to come visit our classroom and learn what is going on in Kindergarten this school year.

Our academics this week include looking at all God created.  And we are discussing how we can do as Jesus did. Following the Golden Rule, which is one of our Schoolwide Learning Expectations, is discussed each day. We are doing a great job learning our daily prayers. Your students are amazing me at how quickly they have learned our morning routine. Another thing to mention is how well they behave in church!

We will continue to identify the alphabet – sounds, letters, and AlphaFriends. Printing takes practice; we are doing this daily, and the first sight words (I, see) to make simple sentences. Math has us learning position, left and right. We are almost ready for a quick check to see what we have learned.

Science lessons will continue with animal needs, movement and their coverings. We have a time in the science lab every Tuesday morning. Social Studies will focus on things we like to do when alone, and activities with others. SS also has us looking at things same and different, a concept that ties in well with math.

Hot lunch went well today. Thank you for talking to your students and sending in good healthy lunches and snacks.

I hope to see everyone Wednesday evening.

Mrs. Carol Brown
