As we begin this new month, your child will be thinking about family, drawing family and beginning to put together a quilt for September. Our religion focus is from our Family Life series. Social studies lessons fit right into our family learning.
This week, Mass will be on Thursday morning 8:30, please join us if you schedule permits-
The month of September is a busy birthday month! We have five students celebrating their special day in September. Sophia R., Khloè, Nicholas, Danicka, and Dominic! Each student will be crowned on their day and we will all work on a page and make a b-day book. As a reminder: nothing from home please, no food items or goodie bags. Just bring your child to school and we’ll enjoy them on their special day!
A reminder Class Roster- a parent is going to compile a roster we are in need of several forms. It is best to answer YES or NO to avoid confusion – Please return all forms asap! Tuesday was my deadline – I’ll extend to Thursday – if you need another form –click here for Roster form
* ELA – our focus letters are Ii, Jj, Kk, for this week. We are finishing the Welcome to Kindergarten section of our Language Arts book. Before the week is over we will have a story from this new section, Theme 1, Look At Us. Objectives begin with rhyming words, beginning sounds – letter names, concept words: naming and describing words, our writing will consist of drawing and labeling the picture, and expanding our vocabulary.
* EM(everyday math)- working with numbers 0-9, attribute blocks for design, sorting, and identifying shapes. Writing numbers is a skill we are working on as well.
Science- our lab this week is to plant a seed in soil and start a seed with just water and a cotton ball. We will compare and record which seed grows first, faster and healthier.
Social Studies – My Family and Me – looking at our families; place, culture, and traditions.
We will have library on Thursday afternoon – please return books from last week so your child may check out a new one.
This should take us through Thursday.
Friday is a school holiday as well as Labor Day on Monday- so everyone enjoy your long weekend!
God Bless your family
Mrs. Carol Brown