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Mrs. Driscoll

First Grade Newsletter!

1st Grade By April 9, 2017 No Comments

Dear Parents,                          April 10, 2017 Here is what first graders are doing this week… Language Arts: We will have a little time this week to work on our opinion writing. We are continuing to challenge ourselves to find ways to persuade others. In phonics this week, we are focusing on suffixes and our vowel […]


First Grade Newsletter!

1st Grade By April 3, 2017 No Comments

Dear Parents,                          April 3, 2017 Here is what first graders are doing this week… Language Arts: We are continuing to challenge ourselves in our opinion writing unit. We are looking for ways to persuade someone. In phonics this week, we are focusing on prefixes “un” (not) and “re” (again) and our base words with […]


First Grade Newsletter

1st Grade By March 27, 2017 No Comments

Dear Parents,                          March 27, 2017 Here is what first graders are doing this week… Language Arts: We are continuing our work on our opinion writing unit. In phonics this week, we are focusing on the sounds for “y”. When the y ends a short word it typically will have the long /i/ sound. If […]


First Grade News

1st Grade By March 20, 2017 No Comments

Dear Parents,                          March 20, 2017 Congratulations to Danicka on winning the Palmisano Writing Contest for the Primary level! Woohoo! Happy Spring! Here is what first graders are doing this week… Language Arts: We are working on our opinion writing unit. In phonics this week, we are focusing on our base words and endings –ed […]


First Grade Newsletter!

1st Grade By March 13, 2017 No Comments

Dear Parents,                          March 13, 2017 First graders were working very hard on their works for the Palmisano Writing Contest. I would like to first congratulate the finalists for the Palmisano Writing Contest: Drake, Savannah, Nicholas, Danicka, and Kaitlyn. We will have a special assembly on March 19, where these and other finalist will be […]


Future engineers…

6th Grade By March 7, 2017 No Comments

Sixth graders are studying earthquakes in science and today in our lab they had to design and build a building out of marshmallows and toothpicks on a base of jello.  They had to transport it to our earthquake table and the buildings had to withstand a “Mr. Merkord Earthquake”.  This year the buildings withstood the […]


First Grade Newsletter!

1st Grade By March 7, 2017 No Comments

Dear Parents,                          March 6, 2017 Here is what first graders are doing this week… Language Arts: We are wrapping up our unit on informative writings this week! In phonics this week, we are focusing on base words and endings –s, -ed, -ing. Our new spelling words are from Unit 33 this week and focus […]


First Grade News!

1st Grade By February 26, 2017 No Comments

Dear Parents,                          February 27, 2017 Here is what first graders are doing this week… Language Arts: We will be working on adding details and comparisons in our informative writings. In phonics this week, we are focusing on the vowel pairs “oo”, “ue”, “ew” and “ou” and long /i/ sound spelled “ie” and “igh”. We […]


First Grade News!

1st Grade By February 19, 2017 No Comments

Dear Parents,                          February 20, 2017 Here is the scoop for this week… Language Arts: We are beginning to work on creating a table of contents for our informative writing books. In phonics this week, we are focusing on the vowel pairs “oo” as in wood and compound words. Compound words are two words that […]


First Grade Newsletter!

1st Grade By February 13, 2017 No Comments

Dear Parents,                          February 13, 2016 Here is what we are doing this week! Language Arts: We are working on grabbing our readers attention in our informative writing. In phonics this week, we are focusing on the vowel pairs “oa” and “ow” and the long /o/ sound as in show and boat. As we practice […]
