Dear Parents, October 7, 2012 Our reading strategy this week is “monitor and clarify”. If we have difficulty understanding the story as we read, we stop and go back to reread the sections that were confusing. We also use key […]
Dear Parents, October 1, 2012 My goodness, time flies when you are having fun! I cannot believe it is already October! The first graders are making their way through the year with wonderful energy! -We have completed theme 1 in our reading series. […]
Dear Parents, September 23, 2012 A BIG “Thank You!” to the parents and special friends that volunteered in our classroom on Friday for Primary Centers! The students had a wonderful time! Our reading strategy this week is evaluation and our comprehension skill that will help with evaluating a story is cause and effect. Paying attention […]
Dear Parents, September 16, 2012 In language arts this week, we will work on the consonants n, f, p, and we will keep working on short /a/. Since we are still working on short /a/ there will not be any new spelling words […]
Dear Parents, September 10, 2012 I hope that you enjoyed the beautiful weekend! This week in language arts we kick off our first theme! We will work on the consonants m, s, c, t, and the short sound of /a/. We will also begin […]
Dear Parents, September 3, 2012 I hope that you enjoyed the wonderful Labor Day weekend! It was wonderful seeing many of you at Back-to-School Night! Thank you for your constant support of SHS! To those whose schedules prevented you from attending, […]
Dear Parents, August 27, 2012 Your children are doing a great job adjusting to First Grade! There is a lot to learn in the beginning of the school year and they have just about all of our routines down! If your child chooses to bring a snack for recess, I ask that you pack only […]
Dear Parents, August 20, 2012 Welcome to First Grade! This is a dynamic year of growth and learning. It is a year filled with fun, adventure, and challenges. Your child may come home exhausted from all the thinking done during our school day. There is so much to learn and every minute will count. Please […]
Dear Parents, June 18, 2012 The last week of school! I can hardly believe the year is just about over. I had a wonderful time with your children. They are very special and I enjoyed every day […]
Dear Parents, June 10, 2012 As we quickly approach the end of the school year, we are in constant review and wrap up of all subjects! We will continue our work on our second Writers Workshop, with the topic of recess in the […]