Dear Parents, This week in language arts we will be reading about Christopher Columbus and making a project to accompany our story. Our reading strategy this week is “monitor and clarify”. If we have difficulty understanding the story as we read, we stop and go back to reread the sections that were confusing. We also […]
Dear Parents, October 4, 2010 I would like to thank the parents that were able to make it to Wednesday’s Parent Meeting. I hope that you found it informative. We have completed theme 1 in our reading series. We start theme 2 – “Surprise!” this week. We will be reading stories that have a surprise […]
First Graders are off to the science lab to examine our plants under the microscopes!! We will be recording all our observations. Look for a record of what we did in your weekly folder!!
Dear Parents, September 27, 2010 Thank you to Mr. Sezzi and Mr. Ortega for helping with Primary Centers. We couldn’t do it without your help! In language arts this week, we will be reviewing the short sound of /a/ and the short sound of /i/. We will not have new spelling words this week and […]