Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend. This Thursday will be the last day of P.E. instruction. Friday is a noon dismissal. Below is an overview of our week. We are working on finishing up everything this week as we look forward to the last week of school. Religion: Family Life, God’s […]
Dear Families, This week is a short week for the students. We will have P.E. on Wednesday so please make sure your child in is P.E. uniform on Wednesday. Students will start the long weekend on Thursday. School will resume on Tuesday, May 30th. Below is an overview of our short week. Science: We will […]
Dear Families, It was great to see everyone at the Jogathon. Everyone had a great time. This Friday is a full day with a 2:45 dismissal. Below is an overview of our week. Math: Our focus this week is on subtraction of positive and negative numbers. Religion: We will be discussing different ways to understand […]
Dear Families, This Friday is our Jogathon! If you have not already done so please return the Jogathon form. If you ordered Kona Ice your tickets will be inside your child’s ticket envelop. I hope to see everyone there. This Wednesday is Free Dress for a $1 donation. We are also having the Intermediate Grades […]
Dear Families, On Tuesday third trimester progress reports will be going home. Please sign and return them by Friday. Friday is a noon dismissal. We have been working hard at practicing for our program next Wednesday. Below is an overview of our week: Religion: God calls us to be holy. Science: Our focus this week […]
Dear Families, This Friday is a full day of school. We have been practicing for our Intermediate Music Program that will be on May 10th. If your child is unable to attend please send me an email. If your child has not already done so please send a pair of ear buds to school. They […]
Dear Families, We have a noon dismissal on Holy Thursday to begin the Easter Break. Please join us on Wednesday at 1:50 in the Church for the Living Stations. Math: We are taking our Unit 6 test on Tuesday. Vocabulary: Unit 9 Grammar: Our focus will be on possessive and demonstrative pronouns. Religion: We will […]
Dear Families, This Friday is In and Out Day! Tomorrow is the last day to order lunches. Below please see an overview of our week. Math: We are taking our unit 6 test on Friday. We will be writing fractions with common denominators. Vocabulary: Unit 8 Science: Wind is caused by differences in air pressure. […]
Dear Families, This Friday is a full day of school. Wednesday is Crazy Sock Day. April 7th is In and Out Day. The last day to pre order is April 4th. They also offer grill cheese sandwiches if anyone would like that option. Below is an overview of our week. Math: We are adding and […]
Dear Families, We will be going to the Carnegie Art Museum on Thursday. Please have your child wear their P.E. clothes and a lunch in a disposable bag. Wednesday is Wacky Wednesday Free Dress. This Friday is a noon dismissal. Below is an overview of our week: Science: This week we are learning how oceans […]