Dear Families, Progress Reports go home this Tuesday. Please sign and return them by Friday. This Friday is our Jogathon! If you have not returned the permission/donation envelope please do so. Friday is also a noon dismissal. Below is an overview of our week: Math: The IXL section is M.12. We will be reviewing the […]
Dear Families, This Tuesday our five poem finalists will be reciting their poems for the judges! I am very proud of all the students who recited their poems in class. This Friday is a full day. Please remember that May 8th is our Jogathon! Please return permission slips and donations. Below is an overview for […]
Dear Families, This Wednesday is free dress for a $1 donation. This Friday is a noon dismissal. Below is an overview of our week: Math: We will focus on developing rules for addition and subtraction of negative numbers. There is no IXL homework this week. Social Studies: We will take our chapter 7 test on […]
Dear Families, I hope every had a restful and peaceful Easter vacation. Below is an overview of our week: Religion: Chapter 14. Jesus heals us in the sacrament of Penance. Social Studies: We will evaluate whether the Boston Tea Party achieved the expected results. Vocabulary. We will have our unit 8 test on Wednesday. We […]
Dear Families, Thank you all for coming to conferences last week. It was wonderful to speak to everyone. Wednesday is our Christmas program. Wednesday is also free dress for a $1.00 donation. Friday is a noon dismissal and free dress. Below is an overview of our week: Math: We continue to work on partial […]
Dear Families, I am looking forward to meeting with everyone this week during conferences. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday students will be dismissed at 11:30. Below is an overview of our week: Math: We will have our unit 3 test on Tuesday. We will also start to review multiplication and division facts and apply basic facts […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone had a restful Thanksgiving holiday. This is a full week of school for our students. This Friday is a full day of school. Tuesday is Teddy Bear Day please have your child bring a new teddy bear to donate to Adopt-A-Family. Doughnut sales start this week. Below is an overview […]
Dear Families, This will be a short week for the 5th grade class. Wednesday is a noon dismissal. No school this Thursday or Friday. I hope everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving holiday. December 2nd is Teddy Bear Day. Please bring a new Teddy Bear to school. Below is an overview of our week. Religion: We […]
Dear Families, This is our last full week before Thanksgiving. This Friday is a noon dismissal and school wide centers. Teddy Bear day is coming up December 2. Please bring a new teddy bear to school. Below is an overview of our week. Science: We will have our chapter 3 test on Thursday. Religion: Listen […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the four day weekend. Although this is a short week there is much going on int he fifth grade class. Thursday we will have a Flag Retirement Ceremony at 11am. Please join us if your schedule allows. Friday is a full day of school with a 2:45 dismissal. Below […]