Dear Fifth Grade Families, October 24th is picture retake day. We will be having our Living Rosary at 2pm in the church. If you can please join us. Friday is a noon dismissal. Please have your child wear their P.E. uniform on Thursday. Every night your child should be reviewing their Social Studies and Science […]
Dear Fifth Grade Families, This Wednesday is Free Dress for a donation of $1.00. This Friday is a full day schedule. Please have your child wear their P.E. uniform on Thursday. Every night your child should be reviewing their Social Studies and Science notes. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions […]
Dear Fifth Grade Families, Our Pumpkin Sale went very well on Friday. I hope everyone is enjoying his or her pumpkins! This Friday is our collaborative learning and also a noon dismissal. Please have your child wear their P.E. uniform on Thursday. Every night your child should be reviewing their Social Studies and Science notes. […]
The Fifth Grade class has a fantastic morning in the Science Lab! We used the microscopes to look at all different types of bugs! We examined, spiders, bees, crickets, slugs (just to name a few). After putting our slug on the slide we realized it was still alive as it started to move off the […]
Dear Fifth Grade Families, October is here! After two weeks of ITBS testing we are getting back into our normal routine. Progress Reports will be going home on Tuesday. Please sign and return the Progress Report. This week is our Pumpkin Sale. This Friday is also a noon dismissal. Please have your child wear their […]
Dear Fifth Grade Families, We will begin our last week of ITBS testing. We will be testing every morning. Please make sure that your child has a healthy breakfast, plenty of rest, and arrives to school on time. Please have your child wear their P.E. uniform on Thursday. Please feel free to contact me if […]
Dear Fifth Grade Families, We will begin ITBS testing on September 17, 2012. We will be testing every morning. Please make sure that your child has a healthy breakfast, plenty of rest, and arrives to school on time. Wednesday, September 19 is our Parent Meeting at 6:30 in Biedermann Hall. Wednesday is also a Free […]
Dear Fifth Grade Families, Thank you everyone who was able to come to Grandparent’s Day. It was a wonderful day! On Wednesday, September 12th , will be picture day. Students are to wear their uniforms. Money and order forms are due on Wednesday. This Friday is a full day. Please have your child wear […]
Dear Fifth Grade Families, Thank you everyone who was able to come to Back to School Night. This Friday is Grandparents Day. Please join us at the 8:30 Mass. Classroom visits will begin at 10:15 after the reception in Biedermann Hall. It is also a noon dismissal. Please have your child wear their P.E. uniform […]
Dear Fifth Grade Families, Back to School Night is this Wednesday, August 29th at 6:30. I hope to see everyone on Wednesday night. This Friday is a noon dismissal. We are continuing to do a great job at learning the new routines of fifth grade. Please have your child wear their P.E. uniform on Thursday. […]