Dear Kindergarten Families, Our last Primary Centers for this school year turned out great. I want to express my thanks for all who have helped us on Friday as well as throughout the school year. Your time in class and helping to prepare the crafts was much appreciated. Our religion for the last two weeks […]
During the month of May, kindergarten students learned about Mary. Our class quilt was made in her honor and we learned to pray the Rosary. Many students brought in their rosary to share with the class. We watched a couple of appropriate clips from the movie The Miracle at Fatima. The apparition of the Blessed […]
Kindergarten Families, Homework for this second to last week of school: read 15-20 minutes each night – complete the reading/web log. The red homework folder is coming home on Monday. A couple of math papers will be included to return on Thursday along with the log. We have enjoyed sharing our book reports in class. […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Last week your children learned about Pentecost and the Holy Spirit being the Spirit of Love. This week our faith focus is Jesus our source of joy. We will discover how the Spirit of Joy can fill our hearts with love and bring everlasting joy. Language Arts- short vowel /u/ and reviewing […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, I enjoy the illustrated book reports, they are great! Another one this week. It is important for your children to be the routine of reading as well as recording what they read. Please remember homework is due each week, preferably on Thursday. Included in your child’s red homework folder is a phonics […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, I hope everyone had a nice long weekend! We had a great time on our trip to Underwood Farms last Monday. We will take a little quiz on what we learned at the farm. We also celebrated Genesis’ birthday Monday (and Tuesday too.)! This is a four-day week with a full day […]
Dear Families, Homework for the upcoming week: Read each night, record on reading/web log. Three worksheets and the reading / web log to print. A holiday graphing worksheet for math, short vowel /e/ worksheet, and listen/read and do color words paper on the farm. We are always doing are best work! Red folders will be […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Happy Monday! Today we are off on our field trip to Underwood Farms. Our class will attend the animal show, take a wagon ride, and pick produce in the field. Should be fun and a good review of Social Studies: farm products to market; Science: growth and needs of plants and animals. […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, This week I am sending two math papers, one phonics paper, and a book report form for homework. Have your child read a book of their choice for the book report. The book report form and the reading / web log are below to print. Reading/Web Log Book Report Form Websites: Web […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, What a nice Mother’s Day Sunday! I hope every mom enjoyed a special time with her children. Events for this week: Free dress on Wednesday –cost $1.00 all proceeds go to the Salvation Army. May Crowning on Wednesday at 2:00-parents are welcome as always! Friday is a full day of school. Remember […]