Dear Third Grade Families, This week marks the beginning of ITBS testing for grades 2-8. We will be testing during the early mornings for the next two weeks. As always, please remember to arrive at school on time after enjoying a healthy breakfast. Results will be shared with parents during conferences in early December. Wednesday […]
Dear Third Grade Families, It was a pleasure meeting so many families on Grandparent’s Day. Third grade had a record turn out! Thank you for joining us for the morning. We loved having you! In class this week, we’ll be studying the following: Math: Unit 1 Lessons 1.9, 1.10 & 1.11: Calculators and Money! We […]
Dear Third Grade Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the Labor Day weekend. I’m sure it felt good to get an extra day of rest for us all. Friday is Grandparents’ Day! I look forward to sharing the morning with many grandmothers and granddads. Grandparents are to meet us early at 8:30 mass with a reception […]
Congratulations! We survived our first full week of school! We are really getting into the swing of things now. This week should be a busy one as we continue to establish our daily classroom and homework routines and procedures. In class this week, we’ll be studying the following: Math: Unit 1 Lessons 1.4-1.6. We continue […]
Dear Third Grade Families, I can’t believe we’re already into our first full week of school! This week we begin homework assignments! From this day forward they can be found on the school website under Third Grade. Reading logs are assigned each week and available for download on the website, embedded in links within the […]
Welcome to third grade! This is your child’s first year in the Intermediate grades and as I’m sure you’ll see, there is much to look forward to. Before Back-to-School night, I just want to fill you in on some basics: My plan is to gradually build up to full speed when it comes to homework. […]
Dear Third Grade Families, We made it! Summer vacation is just around the corner! As always, there will be many special events taking place as this is the last week of school. Below you will find a short outline: Monday: Field Day! Students should wear their family’s team color. (These were listed in last week’s […]
Dear Third Grade Families, In these final two weeks of school, the third grade class will be spending a lot of time reviewing concepts taught throughout the year as well as individually assessing student progress. Friday is finally move-up day, a chance for students to get a look at their new classrooms. We all look […]
Dear Third Grade Families, There are only 3 weeks of school remaining and we plan to make the most of our time in order to prepare for the challenges and demands of fourth grade. This week we plan to study the following: Math: Now that we have completed our unit on geometry, I plan to […]
Dear Third Grade Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend and was able to get some rest in. This week we plan to hit the ground running doing all we can to prepare for the coming demands of fourth grade. This week we plan to study the following: Math: We will finally wrap up […]