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Browsing Articles Written by

Miss Poindexter

Weekly Newsletter: 1/10-1/14

3rd Grade By January 10, 2011 No Comments

Dear Third Grade Parents and Families, At last, we have arrived! Multiplication and division are here! Last week we focused on multiplication concepts; or, what it means to multiply two numbers. Students should now understand that multiplication is a short cut through addition and that “__ x __” simply means “___ groups of ___.” Now […]


Weekly Newsletter (1/3-1/7)

3rd Grade By January 3, 2011 No Comments

Dear Third Grade Parents and Families, Happy New Year! I hope that you all enjoyed a restful and joyous holiday season. Thank you so very much for your thoughtful and generous Christmas gifts. They were a pleasant surprise and a great way to kick off the long vacation. Also, a big Thank You is in […]


Weekly Newsletter

3rd Grade By December 13, 2010 No Comments

Dear Third Grade Parents and Families, It was a pleasure meeting each of you this past week. Thank you for your time as well as all of your support as educating your child is a team effort. During the conferences, many parents asked for some suggestions on grade-level reading. While each student reads at his […]


Weekly Newsletter: 11/29-12/3

3rd Grade By November 29, 2010 No Comments

Dear Third Grade Parents and Families, I hope that everyone enjoyed a peaceful Thanksgiving among family and friends. This week we welcome a new student to the third grade and are very excited to have a new friend. It is also the start of a new trimester! As students progress through the intermediate years, they […]


Week 10 Newsletter: 11/1-11/5

3rd Grade By November 1, 2010 No Comments

Dear Third Grade Parents and Families, I hope that everyone enjoyed a happy Halloween this past weekend. The students had a fantastic time in families on Friday making paper plate ghosts, as well as getting “tattooed” by the eighth grade.  And now, we have another busy week ahead of us. Monday we will celebrate All […]
