As our school year moves into its final weeks, it is time to take a look back at all of the moments we have shared. Wednesday evening, May 25, at 6:30 our Annual School Year Memories Slide Show will premiere in Biedermann Hall and we invite all students and family members to attend. Doors will […]
We hope you are gathering donations to send to school with your students for our Jogathon to be held on Friday morning, May 13. Be sure to return your Jogathon Order Form that was included in the May Family Envelope to purchase Spirit Signs, Kona Ice, ShoutOUTS, and Photo Booth tickets. Complete the Jogathon Volunteer/Donation […]
Mrs. Lyle, Mr. Hinojosa and the intermediate grade teachers and students have been working together to produce this spring’s musical program. The doors of Biedermann Hall will open at 6p and the program will start at 6:30p. Scrip will be available for purchase between 6-6:30p in the foyer of The Hall. See you there!
A special Family Envelope will be delivered on Tuesday afternoon with information about the May 13th JOGATHON! JOGATHON, Friday Morning, May 13th following the 8:30a Mass This is our Primary Fundraising Event of the Year! All students will receive their JOGATION envelope on Tuesday afternoon as well. Please complete the permission portion and collect as […]
In-N-Out is such a popular fundraiser that a lottery system is needed to procure a date to have the Burger Lunch Truck come to an event. Each year we enter that lottery; sometimes we win, and sometimes we lose. We thought we did not win this school year until last Friday afternoon when we received […]
A new tradition begins! For many years, we have had our Used Uniform Sale in June and our New Uniform Sale in August. This year we are having both sales in June. As before, our Used Uniform Sale will be on June 1st at 2-3:30p in a new location–The Library. The New Uniform Sale with […]
Our singular fundraising event of the year is scheduled for Friday, May 13, and we encourage as many family members as possible to be present. If you are looking for an opportunity to complete service hours, volunteers are needed on Jogathon morning to set up the course, to provide hydration, and to encourage students to […]
If your schedule allows, please join us as our 8th grade students lead us through the Stations of the Cross each week of the Lenten season. Listening as the eighth grade students read, our students will review and reflect on the Passion & Death of Jesus and anticipate the celebration of His Resurrection. Please check […]
In November, The Palmisano Family hosts an annual basketball clinic to raise funds for The Joseph Palmisano Memorial Scholarship Fund. Joseph Palmisano, husband, father, teacher & coach, was a longtime member of Sacred Heart Church. His family honors him now by funding a tuition scholarship program in his name to assist Sacred Heart School families. […]
Please plan to attend the School Fair on Wednesday evening to see all class & individual projects on display in Biedermann Hall. The judging of the 8th grade Science projects takes place during the school day and the winning projects will be marked. All classes have been working diligently through the last few weeks to […]