Our Pizza/Slide Show is scheduled for Wednesday, May 27 with pre-ordered dinners available from 5:30-6:15p and the school year slide show starting at about 6:30p. Scrip & service hour opportunities are available and can be included in this or next school year’s recordkeeping. Please contact office@sacredheartschoolventura.org to volunteer to assist with set-up, service, or clean-up […]
The Speech Contest Winners presented their poems, stories, and speeches on Monday to great regard from the students, staff, and family members who were able to attend. Congratulations to all! The names of the finalists and the winners are included in the May Family Envelope delivered on Tuesday, May 5.
We are proud and happy for all the Sacred Heart School students who received their First Holy Communion on Saturday, May 2. Our thanks to Father John, Father Bill and the musicians and singers, families, and the SHS staff members who made this a wonderfully special day! The names of our First Communicants are included […]
If your schedule allows, please join us as our 8th grade students lead us through the Stations of The Cross each week of the Lenten season. Listening as the eighth grade students read, our students will review and reflect on the Passion & Death of Jesus and anticipate the celebration of His Resurrection. Please check […]
In November, The Palmisano Family hosts an annual basketball clinic to raise funds for The Joseph Palmisano Memorial Scholarship Fund. Joseph Palmisano, husband, father, teacher & coach, was a longtime member of Sacred Heart Church. His family honors him now by funding a tuition scholarship program in his name to assist Sacred Heart School families. […]
March 4 School Fair March 4 Student –led Stations of the Cross 2p March 6 Full Day of School 2:45p Dismissal March 8 Daylight Savings Time begins on Sunday March 10 Student-led Stations of the Cross 2p March 18 Student-led Stations of the Cross 2p March 19 Palmisano Writing Contest Winners Assembly 11a March 20 […]
Please plan to attend the School Fair on Wednesday evening, March 4, to see all class & individual projects on display in Biedermann Hall. The judging of the 8th grade Science projects takes place during that school day and the winning projects will be marked. From the kindergarten landforms to the 7th grade Social Justice […]
Every Friday during Lent a different parish ministry sponsors Lenten Supper for the benefit of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society; Friday, February 20 our school is that sponsor. Please make donations of your time and/or talent as requested in the flyer enclosed in February 3 Family Envelope. You may also contact the school office […]
Our Annual Open House takes place from 12-2p on Sunday, January 25 to continue Catholic Schools Week. If you are interested in enrolling your K-8 student(s) for the 2015-2016 school year, please visit anytime Sunday afternoon, January 25. School personnel, family members, and students will be on campus to provide a tour of SHS and […]
January 16 Noon Dismissal January 19 Martin Luther King Jr Day—No School January 21 Free Dress Day for Make a Wish Foundation $1 January 22 Assembly 11a January 23 Parents’ Day 8:30 Mass, 9:30 Reception, 10:15 Classroom Visits January 23 Noon Dismissal January 25 Open House on Sunday afternoon 12-2p January 27 Teacher Appreciation Day […]