Kindergarten, First & Second Grade students, their families, and teachers have been preparing for this year’s longstanding Sacred Heart School tradition. With each student dressed as a saint, the kinder, first, and second grade students enter the church with the priest and altar servers and sit in the first pews throughout the Mass. As Mass […]
Held at the Saint Bonaventure High School Gym on Saturday, November 10 from 9-11:30a, this clinic focuses on basketball fundamentals and is a great start to the season for players in grades 3-9. With an entry fee of $20 per player, and discounted fees for families with two or more athletes, all proceeds from the […]
SHS Picture Day is Coming! A Picture Order form for each student is included in the 9/3 Family Envelope. When completed, they may be returned immediately or on Wednesday, September 12. All students will be photographed in uniform.
The Parish Fiesta Committee continues to plan as the special day draws near! The 9/3 Family Envelope contains ten raffle tickets to take chances to win five prizes: $1500 & $500 in cash, a $250 gas card, or a $150 & $100 scrip gift certificate. We hope you will participate in The Fiesta Raffle by […]
We ask that only adult members of the family attend as we start in Biedermann Hall to introduce the faculty & PTC Board members. Middle School families will remain in The Hall for a single 20 minute presentation by the three MS teachers and Kindergarten-5th grade family members will move to the classrooms for one […]
We look forward to sharing the morning with many welcome guests! We invite all to join us at the 8:30 Mass. Please wait at church for the classes to arrive and the teachers will assist in getting family & friends together. The PTC will host a reception in Biedermann Hall following the Mass and at […]
We welcome everyone to the 2012-2013 school year on Wednesday, August 15 with the first bell ringing at 7:50a. An assembly will begin our day and family members are invited to stay for the assembly if schedules allow. Please bring all school supplies and completed summer work, as well as a snack in the new […]
“Why can’t we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together? I guess that wouldn’t work. Someone would leave. Someone always leaves. Then we would have to say goodby. I hate goodbyes. I know what I need. I need more hellos.” Charles Schulz Nobody likes goodbyes; […]
*Graduation Fee Notice for Class of 2011 *School Calendar for 2011-2012 returning families *Close of the Scrip & Service Hour Year—these tuition payments must be made prior to the close of the school year…partial payments, purchasing and/or donating scrip, volunteering your time for lunch duty, Spring Fling, or other opportunities will help if you have […]
We hope you will join your student(s) for weekly Stations of the Cross until Holy Week. Monday afternoon at 2p will be your next opportunity as the eighth grade leads our student body in The Stations of the Cross. In the following weeks of Lent, Stations will be held at 2p on Wednesdays, March 30, […]