The morning follows a regular schedule with a school start at 7:50 and 8:05a with recess and lunch. We all return to class briefly and then the celebration begins! All family members and guests arrive on campus between 1-1:15p. Family members of the cast of CHARACTER MATTERS are welcome at lunch time for the […]
Mrs. Manning, Mrs. Petersen, and the 8th Grade are preparing for the Annual Field Day that begins their graduation celebration as various stations are set up for all “school families” to enjoy. This year the 8th Grade would like the families to sport the colors of their favorite ice cream! Please check the list below […]
June Graduation Events Include the ENTIRE SHS Community…Join In! With a 40-year history, Sacred Heart School has celebrated the graduation of its students in a variety of ways, and with many parents as alumni, there are memories. Through the years, changes were made, and the last two years brought adjusting to the demands of COVID […]
After a two-year Covid based lay-off, the Annual Middle School KnockOut Tournament completed over three days this week. Competing over three lunch periods, the competition settled to the final fourteen and then the final five. With the court surrounded by cheering students, the final five put on a great basketball show. The Final Five 5 […]
JOGATHON, Friday Morning, May 20…And Kona Ice Too! And a Service Hours Opportunity (Virtus Certificate on File Required)! Families who enjoyed Jogathon morning in previous school years know what a fun and productive time we all enjoy! Our hope each year is to equal or exceed amounts raised in the last few years. With Spirit […]
Please plan on joining the Sacred Heart School community as we complete our annual fundraising Jogathon. DJ Joggy is getting his playlist together and Kona Ice is preparing ice and delicious toppings. We are going to have fun… Much information is coming, but for now–get this on the calendar as the place to be on […]
May 6! The In’N’Out Truck arrives for lunch! And frozen desserts too! All the forms necessary to order were in the April Family Envelope, and if needed, more are available in the school office. Please complete by the due date as all items must be pre-ordered to enjoy on Friday, May 6. No sales are […]
We add a Spring Picture Day to our calendar this year! Students in Kindergarten-7th grade have their pictures taken in free dress Wednesday morning, May 11. All students may wear “free” free dress for their photo op! Eight grade students have their graduation photos taken on May 11, individually and as a group. Their photos […]
If your schedule allows, please join us as our 8th grade students lead us through the Stations of the Cross each Wednesday afternoon of the Lenten season. Listening as the eighth grade students read, our students review and reflect on the Passion & Death of Jesus and anticipate the celebration of His Resurrection. A special […]
Mark your calendar to be at school on Friday morning, March 18. With a Noon Dismissal, family members and guests are invited to join us for the morning. We start with 8:30a Mass, and then all are invited to come to campus and see student work and select their sweets. There are service hours available […]