When looking ahead to the next school year, might our school be the place for your students and family? Well located, with neighborhoods, other school campuses, a golf course, a baseball field, and a fire station surrounding us, we are behind Sacred Heart Church on the 126 at the Wells Road offramps at the 118. […]
We hope everyone enjoys time with family and friends on Easter Sunday and during our week away from school. Our Almost Spring Showcase displayed the efforts of the challenging winter trimester and when we return to school on Monday, April 8, we have two months to complete the school year. The school calendar shows events […]
Our beautiful campus is sparkling in the spring sun and with more rain on the horizon, we can enjoy our field many more spring days.
We did it! We made it through the Second Trimester! We gather on Friday to celebrate the close of that most challenging trimester and to share some of that hard work. We hope you can join us for all or part of this special day to participate in Mass, pick up Sweets, enjoy recess, tour […]
Following the plans of other local Catholic Schools, Sacred Heart School closes on Monday, February 5 to avoid additional difficulties due to the current storm and road conditions. We hope all are doing all right as this storm makes its way through California.
If you are looking for a Kindergarten placement for your child who is five years old before September 1, please call 805.647.6174 or email office@sacredheartschoolventura.org to arrange a tour to see our campus and learn about the great learning environment we have for students of all grades. Our Kindergarten students flourish in a small class […]
The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas Break start the Second Trimester. We will learn, study, join together, and celebrate during these weeks and be ready for our return to school on January 2. Family Conferences lead our start into the 2024 portion of the Second Trimester as we look back at results of the First […]
As we leave campus on Tuesday, we complete the First Trimester of the 2023-2024 school year. On Tuesday morning, The Middle School Social Department leads The Turkey Trot with various activities outdoors or in the classrooms as we adjust to what the winds allow. Grading Reports for the trimester deliver on Tuesday, December 5 and […]
With rain suggested on Friday at a 30 to 40% chance as we post this on Wednesday, we are going ahead with our plans for the First Trimester Showcase & Sweets events scheduled for Friday’s school day. We invite family members to join us for any part of the day. If you have not ordered […]
Tuesday, Halloween, all may dress in “free” Free Dress to celebrate this exciting day! Please save costumes for celebrating away from school, but Halloween colors and add-ons are welcome with free dress options. Please remember to choose outfits, shoes, and add-ons that are comfortable while outside for recess and lunch and for some classes that […]