Tuesday morning brings the arrival of new wood fiber chips for placement in our play equipment area! The truck is scheduled to arrive between 7:30-8a and installation will begin immediately. It will take several hours for the work crew to add the new chips, and they will need to be watered well to help the […]
With the amazingly warm days we are experiencing, we ask that all families pack more water in the lunch containers. Many students are finishing their supply long before lunch! Thank you!
With all grade levels using reading logs as a daily homework assignment, families may be searching for books for their student(s). Adult family members are always welcome to use our well-stocked library to increase the available reading material. Mrs. Salomon will add family information to our recordkeeping system on the first visit, and then up […]
Please note the information from the Handbook regarding shoes for all kindergarten-8th grade students: Predominantly solid color white, red, navy blue, black, gray or brown shoes. Laces should be colored the same as above. No lights, add-ons, platforms. Laced shoes are inappropriate for students who cannot tie them. The challenge comes for uniform shoes in […]
In a constant effort to maintain safety, we encourage all to enter, move through, and exit the parking lot slowly. Those selecting the car line, add to safety & efficiency by moving as far forward as possible before stopping to allow students(s) to exit or enter the car. Arriving students have three corridors to the […]
School starts on Wednesday, August 12 at 7:50a with three noon dismissal days to start the year. We look forward to our 195-day school year as the additional days offer opportunities for in depth instruction, collaborative groups, and field trips. Please join us for our opening assembly as the school day begins if your schedule […]
The parking lot behind and beside Sacred Heart Church is being recoated this week and will not be available during the Uniform Sale and Orientation on Tuesday afternoon. Please enter on the far east side of the campus from Henderson or Darling. There is parking available behind the rectory and along Biedermann Way. The gate […]
Click on the link above to find all information needed for Summer Work! If you have any questions, please contact us. As in previous summers, all students in grades 1- 8 are to spend time during the weeks of summer on specific academic activities provided by SHS teachers to allow for skill retention, practice, and […]
Rain or shine, we will enjoy an In-N-Out burger and dippin’ dots lunch starting at approximately 11:30a. When the In-N-Out trailer arrives, the cooking begins, and as soon as they announce they are ready, we will begin serving the lower grade students first. If you plan on joining your student(s) for lunch, please remember there […]
Sacred Heart School families met the challenge at last week’s Jogathon and raised over $10,000! Five free dress days are the reward all enjoy with the first on Friday, May 15. The next four free dress days will be added to the calendar and announced next week. Thank you for making our Jogathon a fun, […]