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From the Principal

April 18 Deadline Coming!

From the Principal By April 2, 2014 No Comments

As your students may have shared with you, we are completing the final photos for the yearbook. Please see the link for TreeRing below the SHS calendar. To Purchase & Customize the Yearbook: 1. Go to www.TreeRing.com/validate 2. Enter our school’s code:  101359483495471 Orders may be made after April 18, but the books will not […]


Recycling Efforts Continue

From the Principal By March 17, 2014 No Comments

Our recess & lunch trash container numbers remain low this school year as we use one large recycling container and need only one regular trash container. Please remember all snacks and lunches are brought to school in lunch containers, not paper or plastic bags. This assists our recycling efforts and maintains a healthier environment for […]


Uniform Check!

From the Principal By March 6, 2014 No Comments

As we complete these last two weeks of the second trimester, a look at your child(ren)’s uniform is appreciated. As students continue to grow, please notice the length of the skirt/skort and pants. Most may have very wide hems that can be taken down to complete the school year comfortably. Dennis Uniform is offering free […]


Cycle That Family Envelope!

From the Principal By February 21, 2014 No Comments

Each Tuesday afternoon, the Family Envelope is prepared for all school families, and the oldest student in each family is asked to give it to his/her family members.  During the balance of the week, families are asked to return it to school, emptied or with any pertinent information inserted.  In the past, unreturned envelopes did […]


WCEA/WASC Visit Complete!

From the Principal By February 21, 2014 No Comments

The six-member team of principals and teachers finds our school’s efforts to educate our students to be a highly effective one. We will receive the final word about our accreditation term in July when another team reads and our report and the visitors’ response to it. Our hope is a term that lasts until 2020!


Safety Note

From the Principal By January 30, 2014 No Comments

Please remember to use the car line to drop students off from your car in the morning. If you use the lot behind the rectory, please park and walk your student(s) onto the campus. There is too much traffic flowing along Biedermann Way for cars to stop and students to be walking unescorted. Thank you!
