All staff members must be VIRTUS trained and maintain that training by completing monthly online updates or a recertification program that follows the initial training. The VIRTUS programs are described as “… the brand name that identifies best practices programs designed to help prevent wrongdoing and promote ‘rightdoing’ within religious organizations. The VIRTUS programs empower […]
As we complete the first third of the school year, we send our thanks to the families who share their children with us. We hope your holiday is filled with family, friends, and comfort! Thanksgiving blessings be with you…
There will be no Family Envelope for the week of November 25 as we enjoy a short school week and a long weekend of Thanksgiving with family & friends. We are grateful you are a part of the Sacred Heart School community! Happy Thanksgiving!
In the 2013-2014 school year, each family has 18 hours of service valued at $10 per hour and $350 in scrip “profit” as a part of tuition. Many families exceed this amount, but to be on a comfortable schedule, at least a third of both should be completed at the close of the trimester, November […]
Enclosed in the 11/11Family Envelope is a flyer requesting contributions to The Party Fund for Christmas. In years past, each class collected funds; now we open the request schoolwide. All contributions will move through the Scrip Office and each $10 amount will garner one service hour and 4% towards the scrip obligation for your family. […]
If you have any more candy for families in The Archdiocese of Los Angeles Adopt-a-Family Program, please bring it to school before the December 2 Teddy Bear Assembly …Thank you!
Early next month, when the first trimester report cards are available, a list of Common Core and/or California State Standards addressed during the trimester will be included. We hope this list makes the report card a better source of information about academic & social effort and growth. Please remember individual parent conferences will take place […]
Please review the schedule that is enclosed in the 11/4 Family Envelope. If a change in the schedule is necessary, please contact the school office, not the individual teachers. Any change in the schedule impacts the total schedule and must be done only through the school office. Thank you!
Sacred Heart School Accomplishments, Prioritized Improving Student Learning February 2014 Visit 1. Technology under constant improvement; use of technology such as Kindle Fire tablets especially in Middle School; technology use in Middle School Religion instruction 2. Academic groups in the primary level 3. Teachers Assistants added to staff to allow for differentiated instruction 4. Placement […]
The faculty spent the 11/1 faculty meeting discussing the accomplishments and goals we note as we near completion of the WCEA/WASC self-study process, Improving Student Learning. Assessing our Catholic Identity, defining our purpose, studying the relationship of our SLEs (Schoolwide Learning Expectations) and standards-based curriculum to student achievement, and analyzing our teaching techniques, resources, and […]