June 19 Honors Reception 6:30-7:30p June 20 School Graduation Mass & Awards Presentations 8:30a June 20 Middle School Dance 5:30-8p June 21 Spirit Day for K-7 & Noon Dismissal June 21 Last day at Extended Day Care (EDC) June 22 Last day of School for K-7 10a Dismissal with no EDC June 22 Graduation Mass […]
The last day for our EDC will be Thursday, June 21 as we close by 6p. The billing for June will be mailed the week of June 25. We appreciate your prompt payment as our accounting for the 2011-2012 school year closes on June 30. Thank you!
The third annual middle school dance, with a local DJ providing music, will be held on Wednesday, June 20 from 5:30-8p in Biedermann Hall rather than the previously scheduled date of Friday, June 15 due to a scheduling conflict in Biedermann Hall. A large majority of middle school students need to attend the dance in […]
Sacred Heart School joins in the festivities surrounding Father Bill’s 25th anniversary of his ordination by sponsoring a reception & refreshments for the parish after the 9a Mass on Sunday, June 10. The reception will be held outside the east side entrance of the church and we plan to serve breakfast treats and cake. Scrip […]
At last month’s Parent Meeting, the Kindle Fire was named the tablet to be included on the Middle School Supply List for 2012-2013. The teachers are studying and selecting ways to include tablets as one of the tools used by our students during middle school. We encourage the use of scrip for this purchase, and […]
As our 8th grade students leave their Sacred Heart School uniforms behind and complete the school year in free dress, we hold our Used Uniform Sale. Like many years previously, the sale will take place outside the school office on Wednesday, June 13 from 2-4p. The sale provides an excellent opportunity to fill in or […]
In-N-Out Burger’s trailer is coming to Sacred Heart School on Friday, June 1, for lunch. This is a school fundraising event and tickets are available on a pre-sold basis at $5 per ticket. We encourage family members and friends to join us for lunch on this day! The In-N-Out Burger trailer will arrive about 11a […]
Our recess & lunch trash container numbers shifted greatly during the school year as we now have three recycling containers and only one regular trash container. Please remember all snacks and lunches are brought to school in lunch containers, not paper or plastic bags. This assists our recycling efforts and maintains a healthier environment for […]
As announced at the Parent Meeting, the coming school year brings change in the amount required in both forms of tuition. Service hours for the 2012-13 school year will drop to 18 total, six per trimester, and remain valued at $10 per hour. The scrip “profit” amount for the coming school year will increase to […]
Your efforts to contribute, purchase spirit signs, and volunteer with The PTC Board and roomparents of Grades 1, 4, & 7 created a successful event with over $7600 raised as our students enjoyed a fun morning of anticipation, physical activity, and refreshments. Our thanks to the 8th grade for the addition of activities for kindergarten-fifth […]