The faculty continues the In-Depth Study of Science with three specific tasks: an analysis of the ITBS testing results; a review of our progress teaching the California Science Standards; and discussions of research-based, effective instructional techniques. As we complete these tasks we will create an action plan defining our goals to improve the Science program. […]
200 days! That’s how long students in The Archdiocese of Los Angeles Catholic Schools will be in their classrooms beginning next school year. This addition of 20 days to our present calendar of 180 days, bringing many benefits for our students, families, and staff, was announced by Dr. Kevin Baxter, Superintendent of Elementary Schools, at […]
Please join us on Sunday afternoon for Mass at 2p celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Sacred Heart School. As at the PTC Back to School Potluck in September, Father Bill will preside at this special Mass on the school patio, weather permitting. If winter weather returns, we will celebrate the Mass in church. All school […]
As discussed in the last newsletter of 2010, please be sure your student(s) are able to follow the uniform policy and have the school supplies necessary for the serious work of the second trimester. The supplies purchased in the summer endured quite a workout in the first trimester and fresh supplies make all school resolutions […]
Several changes are in place for recognizing students who achieve high academic scores in core subjects this school year. One can be seen in the current edition of The Sacred Heart School Handbook and another follows ongoing faculty conversation this trimester. The Handbook states: Each trimester students in the middle school (grades 6-8) will be […]
2011 Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Immunization Requirements for 2011-12 Year The following is a message from The California Department of Public Health: For the 2011-12 school year only, all students entering 7th through 12th grades will need proof of a Tdap booster shot before starting school. This requirement: • Begins July 1, 2011. • Can be […]
At our meeting on October 22, the faculty continued training on the use of California Streaming, a site made available by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles containing video, images, audio, podcasts, and reference all tied to The California Standards, grade levels, and subject areas. At this Friday’s meeting we will be discussing the use of […]
The faculty has spent a great deal of time discussing the importance of field trips in the educational experiences of our students. During the 2010-11 school year, each class will go on four off-site trips that specifically relate to standards addressed at the grade level. Each class will be well-prepared for the field trip and […]
All schools are dependent on their population to help cover the cost of educating their students. The Parent Teacher Council (PTC) Board spends many hours during the year to make the fundraising efforts productive. This year the roomparents are taking a larger role in the fundraising events too. Each trimester we will focus on one […]
The Cardinal Mascot was welcomed with open arms on the first day of school during recess. While the beautiful red bird made rounds all over campus the children smiled and applauded. Where will our mascot turn up next? Nobody knows. 4th Grade loves the new mascot! 8th Grade does too!