With several sets of work packets to review in the weeks since our August 25 start, the progress reports are another piece of information to review the first trimester’s work load and results so far. Please sign and return the report as requested by the teacher(s), and email any questions or concerns the progress report […]
Cornerstone Photography returns to campus on Friday MORNING, October 8 to take photos of students absent on the September Picture Day as well as students present and photographed but seeking another opportunity. These photographs will be taken first thing in the morning prior to our movement to church for Mass at 8:30a.
Miss Nancy, our Art teacher, joined our classes for the first time this school year during the week. Working with each class, she develops skills and adds to subject areas as she teaches most classes weekly. Through the year, students have opportunities to work in a variety of media.
Father Ramon will celebrate Mass with the school staff and students present for the first time this year! Family members are welcome to join us.
As we continue to add elements to the school day, Study Hall begins for many classes this week and for all classes the following week. The first order of business for the intermediate and MS grades is working inside Typing Club to create or perfect typing skills; for the primary grades the first step is […]
This school year’s first participation in the celebration of The Mass is finally here! Kindergarten and Fourth, First and Sixth, and Second and Seventh grades sit together as buddies while Third, Fifth, and Eighth grades sit just with their classmates. If your schedule allows, please join us at church at 8:30a. Family members may sit […]
Several times a year, students take Common Core standardized tests, STAR Testing, to measure progress during the school year. Normally the test is taken three times during the year, but the pandemic prevented that occurrence since March of 2020. During the last two years, upper grade students worked on STAR Testing at least twice, but […]
This week our 2021-2022 school year begins! Keep working on that Summer Work if it is not completed already. After spending several hours in class, we will be hungry mid-morning, so please bring a snack for recess time. Lunch service for the first three days will be cold options only, but the full menu returns […]
Dennis Uniform and Proforma are the two companies used to purchase all new uniform items for Sacred Heart School. Both are “brick and mortars” but heavily encourage the use of their online ordering platforms. We hold a Used Uniform Sale several times a school year and our first is on Wednesday, August 18 from 4-6p. […]
Time with Summer Work for all Kindergarten-8th Grade students is time well used! Be sure to spend time each week keeping those academic skills sharp. Enjoy!