Tuesday afternoon, all 5th, 6th, and 7th grade students listened to candidates’ speeches as 7th grade students run for Core Leadership positions for the 2020-2021 school year. Following tomorrow’s vote we will know who the President, Treasurer, Public Relations, Religious Affairs, and Secretary will be for next school year. All candidates that are not selected […]
Friday, May 15, our seventeen school “Families” gather to play The Name Game. In August, as we started the school year, the 8th grade leaders of the school families played this game for the first time. It will be fun to play this game together again now as these 8th grade students near the end […]
This week, we gather online to celebrate our winter sport girls and boys basketball— boys on Monday, May 4 and girls on Tuesday, May 5. In normal circumstances, this celebration occurs at the end of March as we recognize our athletes at school assemblies and at a local pizza restaurant. We have dinner & dessert […]
Friday afternoon, May 1st, our 8th grade students traveled in threes to spend time with students in Kindergarten through 7th grade leading an Art activity to create the SHS Love Bug. Each of the 8th grade artists led the class in a segment of the activity: the drawing of the body, the addition of appendages, […]
Our 7th & 8th Grade Boys and Girls basketball teams completed the first half of the season, and are working their way through playing the League teams again. If a team came to our courts to play in the first part of the season, our teams travel to theirs to complete the season. At the […]
Last Fall, Sacred Heart School started a service project known as “Save a Cap– Save a Life” to help pay for the cancer treatment for a little girl in Mexico. Fortunately, we not only helped pay for one child, but for two other children, too! We collected over 60,000 bottle caps before we stopped collecting […]
Friday, December 13, is a free dress day with a $1 cost to raise money for basketball equipment for Holy Spirit School in Los Angeles. Along with other schools and parishes in The Archdiocese of Los Angeles, we hope to help Holy Spirit School purchase a portable basketball hoop. There is a Christmas theme suggested […]
SHS bottle cap collection service project wraps up this Wednesday, 12/11/19. This project has been a huge success, collecting over 56,000 bottle caps. The “Save a Cap, Save a Life” project started last September when the middle school learned of a woman in Camarillo, collecting bottle caps to help finance cancer treatment for a family […]
As all the holiday shopping continues, please remember to gather non-perishable items for donation to the Sacred Heart Parish Food Pantry. As in years past, red bins will be along the car line all week ready to receive bags of food to share with those in need in Ventura County. All students were given a […]
Our 7th & 8th Grade Girls Volleyball and MS Boys Football teams move into tournament play with two games each to determine the winners. Our girls play from a first place position in league, and play HOME on Tuesday. The boys play from a second place position in league, and play HOME on Monday. The […]