Sacred Heart School is once again selling beautiful, fragrant handcrafted wreaths for your home and gift giving. Christmas Forest offers a wide variety of wreaths, garlands and swags that can be mailed directly to your gift recipient on the date you choose! 1) Log onto to browse their large selection of fresh wreaths, garlands, […]
What a wonderful day! Thank you to everyone who participated! A special thanks to Marissa Garcia-Arguelles, The Fiesta Chairperson, for leading the Fiesta Committee throughout the summer and fall to create a day of fun and fundraising for our school and parish. Raffle Winners 1st prize $1500 Renata Rzasa (K) 2nd prize $500 Luis De […]
Fiesta week has arrived and we look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday as we work, play, eat, and enjoy entertainment while we raise funds for our school & parish. Thank you for your generous response to our request for time in the game booths; roomparents will be contacting you with final arrangements. Be sure […]
The Fiesta Committee meets weekly as the special day draws near. Sacred Heart School families will be in charge of the game area of the Fiesta and we are counting on your family to participate as workers and participants. We look forward to your help in manning the various game booths for two-hour stints and […]
Square dancing, games, prizes, pumpkins for sale, some great chow, and get your picture taken with the new Cardinal mascot. Can you ask for anything more from a hoedown? Mark your calendars and get into the fall spirit at this year’s Harvest Hoedown. It has been hailed as the biggest party this side of the […]
Each family is required to complete 36 hours of service throughout the school year. All service hours must be recorded on the family Green Sheet and turned in with the appropriate signatures. Green Sheets are due at the end of each month, with the exception of the final Green Sheet which is due on May […]
Thanks to the Board and the roomparents from grades 4 and 8 for hosting a wonderful Back to School Mass & Potluck last Friday evening and to all who were able to attend. Our first Mass on the school patio provided an opportunity for the Parable of the Talents to come alive thanks to SHS […]
The return of participation forms for this event indicates many families plan to attend and we look forward to seeing your family. Mass will begin at 5:15p and the Potluck will be set up on the school tables by the basketball courts. With a chance to spend time with our school community and enjoy Mass, […]
The Back to School Potluck will be Friday, September 10th on the school patio starting at 5:00pm. Father Bill will celebrate Mass on the patio as we begin our potluck. All family members are invited and it is a great opportunity for new families to meet your new Sacred Heart School family. Look for the […]