Every Friday during Lent a different parish ministry sponsors Lenten Supper for the benefit of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society; March 8 our school is that sponsor. Please let us know if you are able to make donations of soup, macaroni & cheese, other meatless choices, and/or simple, individually wrapped desserts. We need volunteers […]
The First Trimester Service Hours Report is included in your December Family Envelope. Each family is required to give a minimum of 5 hours per trimester, 15 hours per year. Information about service hour opportunities is available on the school website, in many monthly Family Envelopes, or by contacting the school office. A payment of […]
The scrip & service hours’ recordkeeping for the 2016-2017 school year closes on Friday, May 19. If you have questions or need help concerning service hours, please contact servicehours@sacredheartschoolventura.org. If you have any questions or need help with scrip, please contact scrip@sacredheartschoolventura.org. Earned rebates will be delivered to families beginning the first week of June. […]
Service Hour Opportunity on Teacher Appreciation Day, Tuesday, January 31 The PTC Board provides a wonderful staff luncheon that adds 20 minutes to the normal lunch period, and we need volunteers to supervise students from 11:30a-12:30p. If you are able to assist with student lunch supervision, please call the school office 647.6174 or email office@sacredheartschoolventura.org. […]
In an effort to simplify the service hour accounting, we have eliminated the Service Hour Log Sheet and staff signature requirement!! A new “Volunteer Service Hour Sign-In/Sign-Out” binder is located in the school office. Each school family has their own service hour sheet, filed alphabetically by the eldest student’s last name. Service hours completed on […]
The scrip & service hours’ recordkeeping for the 2015-2016 school year closes on May 20 with any balance due required by June 3. If you have completed service hours not recorded, please turn in signed Service Hours Sheets, downloadable at https://www.sacredheartschoolventura.org/. If you have questions or need help concerning service hours, please contact ptcservicehours@sacredheartschoolventura.org. If […]
We hope you are gathering donations to send to school with your students for our Jogathon to be held on Friday morning, May 13. Be sure to return your Jogathon Order Form that was included in the May Family Envelope to purchase Spirit Signs, Kona Ice, ShoutOUTS, and Photo Booth tickets. Complete the Jogathon Volunteer/Donation […]
A special Family Envelope will be delivered on Tuesday afternoon with information about the May 13th JOGATHON! JOGATHON, Friday Morning, May 13th following the 8:30a Mass This is our Primary Fundraising Event of the Year! All students will receive their JOGATION envelope on Tuesday afternoon as well. Please complete the permission portion and collect as […]
Our singular fundraising event of the year is scheduled for Friday, May 13, and we encourage as many family members as possible to be present. If you are looking for an opportunity to complete service hours, volunteers are needed on Jogathon morning to set up the course, to provide hydration, and to encourage students to […]
Lenten Supper, Friday, February 12 Every Friday during Lent a different parish ministry sponsors Lenten Supper for the benefit of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society; Friday, February 12 our school is that sponsor. Please make donations of your time and/or talent as requested in the flyer enclosed in the February Family Envelope. Soup and […]