If you are able to help with lunch assembly and/or service, please contact the school office or email lunch@sacredheartschoolventura.org. and our Hot Lunch Coordinator will contact you to arrange training and/or scheduling. Any day you have time to join us at lunch as we supervise students, please come to the office, sign in, and be […]
The scrip & service hours’ recordkeeping for the 2012-2013 school year closes on May 31st with any balances due collected shortly after. Statements were delivered before spring break and we encourage active effort to purchase scrip and complete service hours to eliminate or minimize payments for this portion of tuition. Double dipping is an option […]
Last week, Mrs. Manning sent a flyer asking for volunteers to spend the morning of Wednesday, March 6 evaluating the 8th grade science projects to determine the winning entries. If you are able to be a part of this team effort, please contact eighthgrade@sacredheartschoolventura.org. Thank you!
Included in the November 26 Family Envelope is the first trimester Service Hours Report displaying progress towards completing 18 hours of service valued at $10 per hour. The report should show being at, near, or above one third complete. Remember service hours must be reported on Service Hours Sheets to be properly recorded. We encourage […]
Service Hours Reports will be sent at the end of the first trimester in mid-November and if your Service Hours sheets are not turned in, your report will be inaccurate. Please turn in your Service Hours sheets in time for the information to be properly recorded. At least six hours of service should be completed […]
Help at Vision Screening on October 10 Help is needed to man various testing areas of the Vision Screening during the morning of October 10 and two or four- hour shifts are available! If your schedule allows, please contact Mrs. Petersen at health@sacredheartschoolventura.org.
Every Tuesday, the Family Envelope is sent home as another communication tool with our families. As you can see from the two already received, the Family Envelope carries a weekly letter from Mrs. Benner, scrip, hot lunch, PTC information and much more! We need help each Tuesday afternoon with getting all of this information into […]
If you are able to join us during the school day to help with hot lunch, we would like to hear from you! Lunch is served daily and volunteers pack and serve food provided by our lunch vendors. Please call the school office or send an email to lunch@sacredheartschoolventura.org to give us an opportunity to […]
As announced at the Parent Meeting, the coming school year brings change in the amount required in both forms of tuition. Service hours for the 2012-13 school year will drop to 18 total, six per trimester, and remain valued at $10 per hour. The scrip “profit” amount for the coming school year will increase to […]
The scrip & service hours’ recordkeeping for the 2011-2012 school year closes on June 1 with any balance due collected shortly after. Statements were delivered before spring break and we encourage active effort to purchase scrip and complete service hours to eliminate or minimize payments for this portion of tuition. Double dipping is an option […]