Here is a great opportunity to earn service hours. We are in need of a chairperson or persons for the LENTEN SOUP DINNER on 2/24/12. Sacred Heart School will be responsible for coordinating the soup served that evening. The PTC has compiled a handy resource guide to help organize the event. Included in the guide […]
Each year, each family has 36 hours of service valued at $10 per hour and $300 in scrip “profit” as a part of tuition. Many families exceed this amount, but to be on a comfortable schedule, at least a third of both should be completed at the close of the trimester on November 23. Timely […]
A letter from Sonya Stickels, the Vice President in charge of Fundraising for the SHS PTC, follows asking for donations for our winter Running Raffle. Please join in this event by donating items now and throughout the winter! This is an excellent opportunity to complete the service hour and scrip obligation as we complete the […]
Please remember to record your service hours on your green sheets for all events! EVENTS CALENDAR FOR March 2011 Honors Reception March 22nd, Talent Show March 23rd, and Grandparents Day March 25th.
Requirements: Each family is required to complete 36 hours of service throughout the school year. All service hours must be recorded on the family Green Sheet and turned in with the appropriate signatures. Green Sheets are due at the end of each month, with the exception of the final Green Sheet which is due on […]
Every school day family volunteers assist with the serving of hot lunch for our students and additional help is always welcome. At this time, we have openings on Mondays and Thursdays where your help is especially needed. Of course, service hours are given for this time and it can be very entertaining to work with […]
Mrs. Dwyer would like to hear from parents/guardians with a background in science who would be interested in serving as science mentors for eighth graders as they prepare for the School Fair in March. This would entail at least one face-to-face meeting here at school and then further communication and assistance via email or phone. […]
Each family is required to complete 36 hours of service throughout the school year. All service hours must be recorded on the family Green Sheet and turned in with the appropriate signatures. Green Sheets are due at the end of each month, with the exception of the final Green Sheet which is due on May […]