Hello Families! We had a great deal of learning and fun happening in first grade last week! It was a busy, shorter week, and we loved the warmer weather at recess! I am sorry about the word game cards getting mixed up. I will get those fixed! If you want to begin using them with […]
A warm week up ahead! Important Dates Friday, 2/28: 12p dismissal.Saturday, March 1: SHS First Holy Communion at 12p.Wednesday, March 5: Ash Wednesday! Mass at 8:30a. Weekly Homework (Due 3/4) Math –IXL QQ: Classify Squares, Rectangles, Rhombuses, and Parallelograms–IXL AA.3: Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide Reading–Read 100 minutes (20 minutes per day, 4x a week)–5 […]
Happy Tuesday! I hope you all had a good, long Presidents Day weekend!We are hard at work in third grade! Important Dates Friday, 2/21: 2p dismissal Weekly Homework (Due 2/25) Math –Math Worksheet: iSpy: Angles and Lines–Math Worksheet: Spring Village–IXL: PP.2: Angles greater than, less than, or equal to a right angle Reading–Read 80 minutes […]
We look forward to a fun, love-filled week! Friday is Valentine’s Day and we cannot wait to share love and kindness with our friends and school community. We encourage all to bring treats to share with their classmates on Friday! Important Dates Friday, 2/14: 12p dismissal and free, free dress!Monday, 2/17: NO school–Presidents Day! Weekly […]
Hello Families! Valentine’s Day is in the air! We are lucky to celebrate it this Friday. Friday is also a half day, so our celebrations will begin in the morning after Mass. Please have your child write their name on the Valentines. We line up our Valentine bags in numbered order, and they place one […]
Happy Tuesday! This month seems like time picks up speed until the end of the year! Today we admired our bulletin board on the character of “Snowflake Bentley” the man who microphotographed over 5000 snowflakes in the late 19th century. They worked very hard to think of words that expressed their wonder this early pioneer […]
Happy Monday, Happy February, and Happy 100th Day of School! We are 100 days smarter today! Important Dates Friday, 2/7: 2p dismissalSunday, 2/9: Sacred Heart School attends 9am Sunday Mass! Weekly Homework (Due 2/11) Math –Math Worksheet–Math Worksheet: –IXL: V.9: Divide by 9–IXL (4th grade): II.2: Parallel, Perpendicular, and Intersecting Lines Reading–Read 100 minutes (20 […]
Kindergarten Families, AmazIng we have been coming to school and learning for 100 days! Today we celebrate, count, and think about 100 in many ways. Your children will share their 100 day bags throughout the day. We will do several activities as we remember back to day one and now here we are at the […]
Third Grade families, It was wonderful to see so many parents and family members at Parents Day on Friday! We had so much fun creating a Family Crest together! We are stepping into our last week of January and Catholic Schools Week! CSW is a week-long celebration of Catholic education. Each day we celebrate a […]
Dear Families! Thank you to all who could be our special guests this past Friday during Parent and Special Friend Day! First grade was counting the days until Friday and they were so excited to show you their favorite activities we do in class during the week as well as our bulletin boards. I have […]