Dear Parents, September 18, 2017 This week in First Grade we are learning…. Language Arts: In Readers Workshop we will be looking at all parts of a word when we read, use meaning to help us figure out words, double check our reading and continue to build our stamina by not giving up when we […]
Dear Parents, September 11, 2017 It was wonderful to see so many grandparents and special friends visit our classrooms on Friday! Thank you to all who supported this beautiful event. Parents, please keep an eye out for a special email from me! Here’s what we are learning in first grade this week! Language Arts: Our […]
Dear Parents, September 5, 2017 Here’s what we are learning in first grade this week! Language Arts: We are continuing on with Readers and Writers Workshop. In addition, we will also be focusing on specific phonetic skills. This week, we will be highlighting the sounds associated with the letters m (monkey), s (sat), c […]
Dear Parents, August 28, 2017 It was wonderful seeing many of you at Back-to-School Night! Thank you for your constant support of SHS! To those whose schedules prevented you from attending, if you have any questions please be sure to email me and keep a watchful eye on our weekly newsletters! Here’s what […]
Dear Parents, August 21, 2017 Welcome Back to School…and to First Grade! I am beyond excited to start the school year with your students. And what an accomplishment we have already! We made it through the first full day! We are getting used to a lot of routines in first grade but we are […]
Dear Parents, June 5, 2017 Welcome to our last week of first grade! Woohoo! I would like to take this quick moment and thank you all for your support of Sacred Heart and especially of your first grader! All students have progressed this year and I am incredibly proud to be their teacher. Thank […]
Dear Parents, May 29, 2017 I hope all enjoyed the long break! It sure felt like summer! But back to school we go for a tiny bit more! Please read the weekly reminders at the end of my newsletter as we have a few changes this week! Language Arts: We are putting the final […]
Dear Parents, May 22, 2017 We are going to the zoo on Wednesday of this week! Please remind your child to wear jeans/shorts, their SHS polo shirt, and PE shoes! In addition, please remember to pack your child’s lunch in a brown paper bag with their name on the front! We will not be […]
Dear Parents, May 15, 2017 I hope all enjoyed Mother’s Day and your gift from your first grader! Language Arts: We are done with our Themes and Spelling Units! Woohoo! We will be spending the last few weeks of school researching our zoo animal in class. We will be reviewing our informative writing as […]
Dear Parents, May 8, 2017 Take a peak at what first graders are doing in first grade! Language Arts: We are doing an excellent job in our Opinion writing. We will be wrapping up Opinion writing soon so that we can review our Informative writing as we prepare for our upcoming zoo report. We […]