Dear Parents, September 16, 2013 In language arts this week, we will work on the consonants n, f, p, and we will keep working on short /a/. Since we are still working on short /a/ there will not be any new spelling […]
Dear Parents, September 9, 2013 This week in language arts we kick off our first theme! We will work on the consonants m, s, c, t, and the short sound of /a/. We will also begin reading in our reading series and start our […]
Dear Parents, September 3, 2013 I hope that you enjoyed the wonderful Labor Day weekend! In language arts this week, we will finally finish our Kindergarten Review! Woo-hoo! We will also be continuing our spelling work focusing on the beginning, middle, and ending sounds. Remember […]
Dear Parents, August 26, 2013 It was wonderful seeing many of you at Back-to-School Night! Thank you for your constant support of SHS! To those whose schedules prevented you from attending, if you have any questions please be sure to email me and keep a watchful eye on […]
Dear Parents, August 19, 2013 Happy first full day and full week of school! Our “normal” school day begins today! We are reviewing our letters and the sounds associated with the letters this week in language arts. We will practice printing them and […]
Dear Parents, June 17, 2013 The last week of school! I can hardly believe the year is just about over. I had a wonderful time with your children. They are very special and I enjoyed every day of school. I would also like to thank you for […]
There’s a summer raffle going on for students k-5. Tickets are available at the school store tomorrow. Tickets cost only 25 cents! Drawing is on Tuesday, June 18, additional tickets can be purchased that morning. click summer raffle to view the flyer and see a list of prizes!!
Dear Parents, June 10, 2013 As we quickly approach the end of the school year, we are in constant review and wrap up of all subjects! We will continue our work on our Zoo Report and turn it in by the end of the week! […]
Dear Parents, June 3, 2013 Can you believe it is June already?! The time is flying by and before you know it, we will be on summer break! We are continuing on with our review of first grade! This includes all reading strategies, […]
Dear Parents, May 28, 2013 I hope you all had a great four-day weekend! We have an exciting week ahead of us! Wednesday we have a special art program in the afternoon, Thursday we will be headed to the Santa Barbara Zoo and Friday is a […]