Dear Families of Second Graders, Thank you to all Grandparents and special friends who came to spend the morning with our students. It was nice to see the loving guidance and working together. FLAT PEOPLE have begun!!! Half of the second graders started last week. The other half will begin this week. We are in […]
Dear Families of Second Graders, Primary Centers had a great beginning. Thank you to our parent (and grandparent) volunteers. We could not have done it without your help! Thank you for your attendance at Back to School night. Hope your questions were answered. Remember you can always reach us on our shared email. This is […]
Dear Families of Second Graders, This is another busy week for all students. Friday is Primary Centers (please contact Chris De Los Santos if you can help,, or cell 805-850-5321), and a minimum day (dismissal at 12:00). Please remember to sign (signature, not initials) all homework and the Homework Planner page. The Tuesday folder […]
Dear Second Grade Families, We had a good start to the school year in second grade. In addition to the introduction to the classroom routines, we had a get together with our seventh grade buddies and then attended Mass together on Friday, as we will do on all Fridays. This week we will be getting […]
Wednesday, August 17, 2011 Dear Second Grade Families, WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL!!! A few Program Notes for “Opening Day” Dismissal for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of this week will be at 12:00 noon. No lunches will be needed except for those going to EDC, but students may bring snacks, (healthy snacks please). Next week is […]
Dear Second Grade Families, WOW!!! This is the last week of our school year. The students will begin to bring things home gradually so there will not be quite so much on Friday. The last second grade letter will be in the envelope your child will receive on Friday, our last day. There will also […]
Dear Second Grade Families, We have 2 weeks left in our second grade school year! Even though our time in second grade is getting short, there is still much to do. We will work until the end! There’s some fun in there too!! IN THE CLASSROOM… RELIGION: loving God and others by making good choices […]
Dear Second Grade Families, Time flies when you’re having fun. Thank you to the parents who came to help out with the last of Primary Centers. This short week brings many things to do. Thank you for your Food Share contributions. The fifth grade will be delivering all donations on Tuesday. There will be $1.00 […]
Dear Second Grade Families, FIRST COMMUNION certificates and banners will be sent home this week. Please put them in a safe spot, as they will be needed for Confirmation. If you have extra pictures you can share, please send them in. The second graders earned the last letter for the mystery word, CELEBRATION. On Thursday […]
Dear Second Grade Families, HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO OUR GREAT SECOND GRADE MOTHERS. If the bracelets don’t fit or break, just return them to school and they will be fixed. First Holy Communion was great. Thank you for all your help in getting your child ready for this beautiful occasion. The boys and girls looked […]