This week in 4th grade we are discussing the ways we honor Mary, Our Blessed Mother. We have been working on a beautiful stained-glass window within our religion textbooks that reminds us of the beauty we find when we have Mary in our lives.
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are continuing to work on Unit 3. This week we turn our attention to number stories. ELA: -Writing: Our realistic fiction stories are coming along! We hope to have a celebration of our hard work before Thanksgiving is here. -Reading: Our Reading Response Journals are due once each week! If […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are working hard on Unit 3. This week we are still working on multiplication but we will add in division! ELA: -Writing: We are working hard on our realistic fiction writing. This week we are working on external and internal features of our characters. -Reading: Our Reading Response Journals […]
This week we are discussing the ways to worship God. We took some time today to make a promise to ourselves and to God to worship God from our hearts. These are some of the promises we made to show our love to our Almighty Father.
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are beginning Unit 3. This week we are working on multiplication! We begin this week with some vocabulary and multiplication facts practice. ELA: -Writing: We are working hard on our realistic fiction writing as we continue our story and character developments this week. -Reading: Our Reading Response Journals are […]
This week in 4th grade we are discussing the ways we seek God’s forgiveness. We wrote the lines of the Act of Contrition on sentence strips and then had to put them in order. The result is a beautiful prayer that reminds us that we are not perfect and must always seek God’s forgiveness and […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are wrapping up Unit 2. This week we are working on subtraction of multidigit numbers. We will be learning about the trade first method and the partial differences method. Please help your child master these subtraction strategies by using them to complete the homework. ELA: -Writing: We are working […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are continuing Unit 2. This week we are working on addition of multidigit numbers. We will be learning about the partial sums method as well as the column method. Please help your child master these addition strategies by using them to complete the homework. ELA: -Writing: We are working […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are continuing Unit 2. This week we are working on place values, organizing data, and addition of multidigit numbers! ELA: -Writing: We are continuing our realistic fiction writing this week. -Reading: Our Reading Response Journals are due once each week! If you have any questions please let me know. […]
This week in 4th grade religion, we are discussing the ways Jesus shows his love for us. Today we read the story of Jesus asking Simon Peter “Do you love me?” Peter responded, “Yes, Lord, you know I love you.” Today we reflected on the way we would respond if Jesus asked us “Do you […]