Students are coming home today with the permission slip for our next field trip. We will be going to Olivas Adobe on March 1st. Please return the permission form and payment as soon as possible. We will be going to Stations of the Cross on Wednesday at 2 p.m. You are most welcome to join […]
The season of Lent begins this week with Ash Wednesday. Please join us if you can at the 8:30 Mass. Students will exchange valentines in class on Wednesday afternoon; a class list was given to the students last week. Friday is a half day, and next Monday is a free day, as we celebrate President’s […]
Tuesday we participated in a hands-on program learning more about the Colombian Mammoth and the Pygmy Mammoth lead by a Channel Island Ranger. We had fossils of a tusk, teeth, leg and foot bones to examine. Kindergarten and their buddies in 4th and 5th grade enjoyed learning about these mammals who lived in here and […]
After all of the excitement of Catholic Schools Week, we return to a fairly normal schedule this week. We will be doing our third round of STAR testing on Wednesday and Thursday morning this week. Friday is a full day. Next Wednesday the season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday. I would like to do […]
It was wonderful having so many parents join us for Parents’ Day. It was a great start to Catholic Schools Week, which continues with Teacher Appreciation Day tomorrow, and then Student Appreciation Day on Wednesday. On that day students may wear free dress, will be treated to lunch, and will not have any homework! Thursday […]
This Friday, Parents’ Day, begins our celebration of Catholic Schools Week. Parents are invited to join us for the morning, beginning with Mass at 8:30. There will be a reception in the hall and then classroom visits. On Wednesday the 24th, we take our first field trip! We will be going to the Albinger Archaelogical […]
We have four full days of school this week. On Wednesday we will have a Free Dress day (donation of $1), with proceeds going to support of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. On Friday afternoon at 12:30 we will be attending the School Spelling Bee. Parents are welcome to join us. Next week, on […]
I look forward to seeing everyone for conferences this week, and for this reason we will have early dismissal at 11:30 on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Please sign and return the progress report envelope if you have not done so already. There will be no P.E. on Thursday, and on Friday we will have our […]
Welcome back to school, and Happy 2018! We will spend this week getting back into our routines, reviewing what we had been studying in late November and early December. THE WEEK AHEAD: HOMEWORK (due next Monday): Students will be finishing work on ixL Math skills T 2 and T 3, as well as Language skill […]
It is so good to be back together after such a difficult two weeks. We continue to pray for all those touched by the Thomas Fire tragedy. We will enjoy the remaining school days of 2017 and then come back again on January 2nd, ready to start anew. There will be no homework this week; […]