THE WEEK AHEAD: Students will come home on Tuesday with progress reports for the first trimester. Please sign the report and send it back to school by Friday the 6th. The eighth graders continue selling bottled water on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. This Friday is a half-day. HOMEWORK (due Monday): Students should complete ixL Math […]
THE WEEK AHEAD: The eighth graders continue selling bottled water on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Friday is a full day. HOMEWORK (due Monday): Students should complete ixL Math skills A 1 and A 2, as well as Language skill A 8. Students will be doing Fluency week 6.Please initial the sheet each time they read. […]
THE WEEK AHEAD: This Wednesday we will have a half-day, with a noon dismissal. Friday is a full day. HOMEWORK (due Monday): Students should complete ixL Math skills X 6 and X 7, as well as Language skill A 4. Students will be doing Fluency week 5 (please initial the sheet each time they read), […]
THE WEEK AHEAD: This Wednesday we will have our first free dress day (donation of $1). The proceeds will go towards hurricane relief efforts. As we continue to experience warm weather, we ask that you send your child to school with 1-2 bottles of water. Just in case your child needs more, the 8th graders […]
THE WEEK AHEAD: This Wednesday is Picture Day; students are to come to school in uniform, as usual. They will have individual photos taken, and we will also take a class photo. This Friday is Grandparents Day, with dismissal at 12 noon. We start class computer time this week; we will be using a variety […]
It was wonderful to see so many of you at Back to School night! HOMEWORK (due Tuesday): Students should complete ixL Math skills W 5 and Z 1, as well as ELA skill P 1. Students will be doing Fluency week 2, and they are to do 20-30 minutes of reading each night. THE WEEK […]
Welcome back to school, fourth grade families! It is our first full week of school, which means student lunches. All lunches should be brought in lunch “boxes”; no paper bags, please. We will be having P.E. on Tuesday and Thursday, and we will have Music class on Monday and Wednesday. We are also doing STAR […]
The last week of school brings…a few things to finish up, fun activities, farewells… Tomorrow is a free dress day, and Thursday as well. Thursday is Spirit Day, with a noon dismissal. Friday is early dismissal (10 a.m.) It has been a pleasure teaching the fourth graders. They have worked very hard and their well-deserved […]
Our schedule is somewhat different this week; students will have P.E. on both Wednesday and Thursday. This Friday is a half day. Below is an overview of what we will be doing to finish off the school year. THE TWO WEEKS AHEAD: Reminder: The work listed for ixL Math, Fluency and Reading log was assigned last […]
We have a very short week and a very long weekend coming up. We will start some units this week, but most work will carry over until next week. We will have P.E. on both Tuesday and Wednesday this week. THE WEEK AHEAD: Religion: We will have a test on Unit 4 on Wednesday. Students […]