Our rescheduled field trip is tomorrow; please check your email for an important message from me regarding clothing and snacks. Friday is a full day of school. THE WEEK AHEAD: Religion: We begin the season of Lent this week with Mass on Ash Wednesday. We are working on essays for the Palmisano Writing Contest. Our […]
The School Fair is this Wednesday evening from 6-7:30. Students should bring their mission projects (models or scrapbooks) to the parish center when they arrive in the morning. I will be in the hall waiting for them. They will take the projects home on Thursday. THE WEEK AHEAD: Religion: We begin the week with our […]
The School Fair is next Wednesday, February 22nd. I have not assigned any ixL math this week, to allow for more time to work on your child’s choice of a project (mission model, scrapbook, or video) and to put the finishing touches on the informational posters, which we have started to work on in class. These […]
This Friday is a half-day. Please sign and return your child’s progress report, if you have not done so yet, as well as the two field trip permission forms and the $20 fee. Our field trip has been rescheduled for February 28th. THE WEEK AHEAD: Religion: As we move on to chapter 13, we will […]
Catholic Schools Week continues this week, following a wonderful Parents’ Day last Friday. We will celebrate your children on Wednesday; students will have free dress and a hamburger lunch will be provided free of charge (thank you, Mrs. Benner!). Please sign and return your child’s progress report, sent home last week, as well as the two […]
Progress Reports and work packet folders will be coming home on Tuesday. We will have a free dress this Wednesday (cost is $1). This Friday is Parents’ Day, which marks the beginning of our celebration of Catholic Schools Week. I look forward to seeing everyone then; you may begin your day with us by attending […]
I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend. I did not send home a work packet today; one will be sent home next Tuesday. We are most grateful for all of the rain we have been receiving, but unfortunately, the storms predicted for this week have made it necessary to cancel our field trip this Friday. […]
One week from this coming Friday, on January 20th, we will have our first field trip. We will be going to the Albinger Archaeological Museum and SanBuenaventura Mission. There is a permission form to be filled out (click here for the form) museum field trip note as well as a waiver form for the City of […]
Happy New Year! Welcome back from what I hope was a joyous Christmas season for all families. The big event this week is the Spelling Bee for grades 4-8, which will be on Friday at 12:30. We wish our five contestants the very best of luck; we will be cheering for you! Early next week I […]
It was a pleasure meeting with everyone during conferences last week. I am blessed to have such a wonderful group of students and to have your continuing support. We have a free dress ($1) on Wednesday, and a FREE free dress on Friday. We will celebrate the Christmas season with a class party on Friday […]