We are very busy this week, wrapping things up with several tests. Friday is a half-day; fourth graders will “move up” to fifth grade at the end of the morning to get a taste of life on the “other side” of the school! I will send home a final packet of work next Tuesday, June […]
We did a fantastic job raising money for our school during the Jogathon, so we have another FREE free dress this Wednesday! May all of you have an enjoyable four-day Memorial Day weekend…summer is just around the corner! What we are working on this week: Religion: We will have the Unit 4 test on Wednesday. […]
Many thanks to everyone for your support of our annual Jogathon last Friday. Everyone had a great time while raising money for our school! What we are working on this week: Religion: We conclude our study of the 10 Commandments, finishing work on our commandment booklets. We will have a test on Unit 4 next […]
This Wednesday will be a free dress fundraiser to raise money for earthquake relief in Ecuador; a minimum $1 donation is requested. The annual school Jogathon is this Friday, May 13th. This is one of our biggest fundraisers, and Mrs. Benner has promised extra free dress days, depending upon how much money is raised. You […]
This Wednesday we were planning to go on a field trip with our kindergarten Mass buddies, but there is no bus available, so we are trying to reschedule. We will keep you updated. Tomorrow five of our students will compete against the fifth grade finalists in our annual Speech Contest. Congratulations to Nico, Dominic, Jennessy, […]
Mrs. Lyle, Mr. Hinojosa and the intermediate grade teachers and students have been working together to produce this spring’s musical program. The doors of Biedermann Hall will open at 6p and the program will start at 6:30p. Scrip will be available for purchase between 6-6:30p in the foyer of The Hall. See you there!
This week we continue with extra music practices, preparing for the intermediate spring program, which is this Wednesday, April 27th, at 6:30 p.m. Students are to wear “Western” style clothing: jeans, collared shirts, hats, bandanas, boots; whatever is available at home! Come and enjoy our young singers and performers! Wednesday is also our Farm Day […]
We had a great trip to Olivas Adobe today, and the staff there was very complimentary about our students! The intermediate spring program is next Wednesday, April 27th, so we have additional music classes with Mrs. Lyle in the coming days. We will have the In N Out Truck on campus next Monday, April 25th […]
This Wednesday we have a free dress ($1 donation to help support St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, our mission focus for the third trimester). Friday is a half-day and we will have Intermediate Centers. Next Monday we go to the Olivas Adobe to learn more about life in the Rancho Period in California. See below for […]
Welcome Back! I hope that everyone enjoyed the Easter break! We have many activities coming up this month: field trips to attend, speech contest poems to memorize, spring programs to perform in. This week is just the beginning of an exciting month! This week students will be selecting a published poem of about 15-20 lines […]