Our field trip to San Buenaventura Mission and the Ventura County Museum will be next Wednesday, the 20th. You may click here for the permission form: museum field trip Cost per student is $3. The 20th has been designated a free dress day (for $1); since we are going to the mission and museum, please select appropriate […]
Welcome back, and a very Happy New Year to everyone! What we are working on this week Religion: We will continue our discussion of the first commandment, and then begin chapter 11, discussing the second commandment. Math: We continue our work in Unit 4, focusing upon decimals. We will have a test on this unit […]
It was wonderful meeting with all of you last week during Parent Conferences. I am so blessed to have your continuing support: thank you! This Wednesday we have a free dress ($1 donation), which will support the charitable efforts of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Then on Friday we have a FREE free dress […]
This Wednesday is Teddy Bear Day. We encourage every student to bring a new stuffed animal to school, which Monsignor Fleming will bring back to Los Angeles as part of our donations to the Adopt-a-Family program. We will attend Mass tomorrow, celebrating the feast of the Immaculate Conception. Progress Reports go home on Tuesday. We […]
We continue to collect boxes of cereal and candy for the Adopt-a-Family program, along with teddy bears, which we will present to Monsignor Fleming on Teddy Bear Day. In addition, we are gathering nonperishable food items in support of the St. Vincent de Paul Food Drive. Please place these items in the grocery bags sent […]
Happy Thanksgiving to all fourth graders and their families! As you enjoy this holiday weekend, please remember that we are collecting cereal and leftover candy from Halloween for our Adopt-a-Family mission project. We are also getting ready for Teddy Bear Day, so check out those sales over the weekend! I will not send home another […]
Our first trimester mission focus is Adopt-a-Family, and to raise more funds we are pre-selling donuts, for $1 each. The last day to order is next Monday, and the donuts will be delivered on Thursday the 19th. Another way we support the Adopt-a-Family program is by collecting teddy bears and other stuffed animals, to be […]
Our first trimester mission focus is Adopt-a-Family, and to raise more funds we are pre-selling donuts, for $1 each. The last day to order is next Monday, and the donuts will be delivered on Thursday the 19th. Another way we support the Adopt-a-Family program is by collecting teddy bears and other stuffed animals, to be […]
General items of interest: This Wednesday will be a free dress (red, white and blue); cost is $1, and the money will be used in support of veterans. Our annual Saints’ Parade (grades K-2) is on Friday morning after Mass; join us if you are free! Friday is a half day. What we are working […]
General items of interest: On Wednesday is the Living Rosary, in church at 2 p.m. Please join us if you can. I am collecting money this week for Halloween tattoos; the eighth graders will be applying these on Friday after Mass. The cost is $1 per tattoo; students may purchase as many as they would […]